I Did it Again

Originally posted April 3, 2009 on the Dirty Dozen Fiber Artists blog.

I changed horses midstream. 

I was happily working along on a new piece, deciding on the placement of lots of small orange circles. Then, I had, what was for me, a very radical thought: What if I made this a very calm almost monochromatic piece? What? ME monochromatic? I let that idea percolate for a while and decided to audition some sheer fabrics in similar colors. So, this is where I am now. The photo shows my collection of “cut” (actually soldered) sheer circles. My circles went from opaque orange to sheer blue-greens and such. I’m liking it!

Cut sheers

This is the thing about changing horses: I generally find the new one much fresher. I’m almost always happy with my midstream radical changes.
And this is the other thing: these ideas come over time. They’re not my first inclination. I think that’s one of the good things about the slow process of quilt making. If I were a painter, I could more quickly display my first thought. But then, these slow ideas wouldn’t have a chance to develop. Something for me to remember when I get in a hurry.

Ellen Lindner
P.S.  See the “before” version in my May newsletter, and the “after” version here.