Phyllis’ Palm Trees

Phyllis Tarrant was one of my students when I taught Design Your Own Nature Quilt in Charlotte, NC.  She recently sent me photos of her finished quilt, as well as her inspiration photo.  I thought you’d enjoy seeing the progression.

Her starting photo featured a simple tropical scene.  A very good candidate for a class project.

Click any image for a larger viewPhyllis_Tarrant_insp_photo

During class, Phyllis accomplished quite a bit, kicking up the colors and contrasts a little.


As you can see in her finished quilt,  Phyllis made several improvements by altering the palm trees.  She staggered their heights, and allowed two of them to run right off the edge.  This is VERY effective!  An excellent example of our class motto: 
Be inspired by your photo, not owned by it.

Phyllis_Tarrant_Swash_at_Myrtle_Beach quilt

Phyllis finished off her quilt, Swash at Myrtle Beach, using
the facing instructions on my website.

I’m REALLY pleased with this quilt!  Not only because the end product is so successful, but because I know the process and the learning that went with it were very useful to Phyllis.  She brought her artistic courage to class and gained a lot of design skill in a short amount of time.  Bravo, Phyllis!  This is exciting! 

Ellen Lindner