Garden Quilt: Drawing, Painting, and Stitching

After some designing, I was ready to plunge into unknown territory with my newest quilt.  This was my design “sketch.”

Click any image for a larger view

My plan was to use both stitching and paint to depict the imagery.  I had done this in a very abstract way on an earlier quilt.  In that quilt, my technique was to randomly paint a background piece of muslin, quilt it, then paint it.  The stitching created a texture of hills and valleys across the quilt’s surface.  This caused the paint to hit only certain spots, creating a very pleasing result.  I wanted to do something similar here, but wasn’t sure how it would work with a specific image.  Like I said:  unknown territory.

Rather than using muslin as my background fabric, I started with a batik fabric representative of foliage.  I lightly painted the background, using the colors I wanted to show in the “valleys” of the final quilt.  These areas would be stitched and were unlikely to pick up the paint.  Next, I drew the stitching design and started to quilted it.

Geesh.  That was a fair bit of work, and I didn’t even have any color on this quilt, yet! 
I was anxious to get to that part.  First, the sky.

OK, that was encouraging.  Perhaps this idea is going to work out, after all.

Ellen Lindner


  1. Maggi says:

    Really enjoying how this is developing. The sky just pops.

  2. Looks like someone is having lots of fun! Wish it were me….that will have to wait until after the holidays. Have a very Happy New Year, Ellen.

  3. ellen says:

    Well, actually, I prepped that blog post in advance. During the holidays I’ve been playing on a “quick” different project. I’ll show it soon.