Resolutions Shmesolutions

No New Year’s resolutions for me.  Instead, I’ll create specific short term goals for myself throughout the year, as the need arises.

Having said that, I do hope to continue this year with something I tried to enhance in 2010: the ability to notice my blessings.  What a joy to not only receive a blessing, but to recognize it and be thankful for it!

I imagine my “big” blessings are very similar to those of many other people:  healthy family members, loving family members, financial stability, and so forth.  But, I also recognize these more subtle things as blessings:  running errands with my husband, serious discussions with my son, the touch of a comforting hand on my back, the warmth of my dog on a cold evening, the smell of my Christmas tree, and so much more.

I hope we’ll all be able to notice our blessings more readily this year.  And maybe even provide a few to others, as well.

Ellen Lindner