Art on the Living Room Floor

Last week, two of my fiber art friends and I were crawling around my living room floor.  Not for exercise, but for the fun of creating.

One of my guests, Jo-Ann Jensen, was working on a project involving 365 square fabric collages she’d made in 2007, one each day!  We had the fun task of helping her arrange them into larger pieces of artwork.

Click on any image for a larger view

In the photo above, Jo-Ann is considering her MANY options.  (Definitely click this image for a better view.) 

She’s planning to arrange the collage pieces into long strips.  Since Jo-Ann shies away from sewing, she’ll probably mount the finished pieces in some fashion.  I think these are going to be extraordinary!

Ellen Lindner
P.S.  The next time you need a little creative break, why not grab a handful of paint chips and play in a similar fashion?


  1. Dij Pacarro says:

    I saw some of Jo-Ann’s finished arrangements, and I was really impressed. I love what she’s doing and can hardly wait to see her finished pieces. Dij

  2. Cindy mcBride says:

    Each individual square is a piece of art in and of itself. I love the idea of making a quick piece of art each day, essentially becoming a journal of the year. Please post a photo of the completed project.

  3. ellen says:

    Yes, They’re going to be wonderful.

  4. Just making one a day for year is an amazing feat, but to have them be so gloriously colorful is a an extra treat. Thanks for sharing them.

  5. ellen says:

    Yes, Julie, quite a feat. Glad you like them!