Eleanor’s Embroidery

In my blog posts, I always discreetly indicate that you can click on an image to see a larger view.  But, this time, I’m saying CLICK ON THE IMAGES!  You’ll enjoy them.

Wow, can you believe that embroidery?  (In spite of my somewhat blurry photograph?)  This is part of an in-progress piece made by Eleanor Chambers.  Amazing, right?

Check out these additional images:

Aren’t the colors amazing against black?

Of Scandinavian origin, Eleanor has done needle work since she was a young child.  And she was taught to do so with perfection.  Recently, however, she’s been learning to trust her own artistic judgment and to experiment more.  She’s even been known to (gasp) leave threads hanging on the back!

You go girl!

How has your work changed as you’ve gained artistic confidence?

Ellen Lindner