Odd Hair: Sketching

Continuing with my idea of depicting some childhood memories in small cartoon-like quilts, I’ve started on one about a very weird hairdo.  Pony tails in FRONT of my ears!  Can you imagine?

One of the funny aspects of this story is that my mother never commented on my style, even though she wanted to!  I made sure I included her in the image.  Here’s my first sketch.  (Click any image for a larger view.)




A better face:


face sketch 1blog

And a better overall sketch:

composition sketchblog

Since we had wood paneling in our home at the time, I put that in the background.  Next came the figures.

figures ip1blog

I used a Frixion pen a lot in this quilt.  It allowed me to draw in features and then iron them away when needed.  Very convenient!

Ellen Lindner