Folk Museum: Celebrations and Festivities

While exploring the Korean Folk Museum, we came across an engaged couple who were having pictures taken.  This was the perfect setting for photos of them wearing traditional garb.  They’ll most likely do more wearing Western wedding clothing.

Click on any image for a larger viewKorean Folk Museum,

Korean couples take wedding photos well in advance.  Obviously, they’re not of the ceremony, but rather, of the couple in a wide variety of cute, romantic, and traditional poses.  Most brides wear Western gowns for their ceremonies, but traditional habuk for the reception.

There were several performances at the folk village.  These dancers were very athletic!  They did a sort of no-hands cartwheel, around and around.  All the while, twirling ribbons attached to their hats!  (The explanation was in Korean, so we missed most of it.)

Korean Folk Village

For most of the dance, those ribbons were perfectly synchronized.  They moved them with just the slightest twitch of the head.

Korean Folk Village

There was also an equestrian skills demonstration.  Oh my!  It was more like a circus act, because the riders could flip on an off, balance in all sorts of positions, and accurately shoot bows while riding.  Very impressive!
Korean Folk Village
A few family shots.
Korean Folk Museum,
Korean Folk Museum,
It was a delightful and interesting day.
Ellen Lindner
P.S.  Know why I didn’t step into the gazebo in the photo above?  It would have involved taking off my shoes.  Always the protocol when there’s a threshold, even outside.