Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
March 2008

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Video Online!
It's hard to say whether I like quilting, teaching, or socializing the most. No matter, because I got to do all three when Bonnie McCaffery came to my home studio. She shot a "vidcast" in which I got to show my studio, explain a little about how I create, demonstrate a new technique, and even give a mini tour of quilts displayed in my home. It was a very fun experience, and Bonnie was great to work with. A big "thank you" to her!

The video is now online, on Bonnie's website. (This link opens a new window. Close it to return to this page.)

Want to see how those video projects ended up? See the finished quilt, Blossom Boogie, here. And my latest glued collage, at the bottom of this page.

Image - Carole Grant IAQ
Moonlight Serenade
copyright 2008 A. Carole Grant

The quilt shown at left was made by Carole Grant, one of the students in my online Instant Art Quilt class. Because her starting fabric was monochromatic, she decided that it made a wonderful background for something else. In her case, stitched trees. I think she's done a wonderful job with this quilt, especially with the composition and the sense of depth.

All the students in this class were very enthusiastic and creative. You can see more fabulous results in the Student Gallery. I'm really enjoying teaching online, because I get such an adrenalin surge from the students!

The color class has just started, and I'm sure it will be equally envigorating for all of us.

Upcoming Events
- Miami, FL, March 8, lecture Playing with Fabric and workshop Instant Art Quilt
- Melbourne, FL, April 4, lecture Increase Your Fiber with Raw Edge Appliqué

- Melbourne, FL, May 2, Art-chi-texture exhibit opening, LoPressionism Fine Art Gallery. (Exhibit runs through July 19.)
- The Villages, FL, May 6, workshop Double Reverse Applique and lecture Playing with Fabric

See Teaching and Events schedule for more details.

Current online class:  Adventures in Color. (Started February 29th.  Enrollment still open)

New Work
Getting my online classes up and running has really kept me busy, lately. Since I haven't had much time for quilting, I've been doing some quick projects, using glue. This is a really fun and fast way to work! My latest collage is Cruciform #3, shown at right. Although it's not a quilt, it's still fabric collage. It's just held together with glue, rather than with thread.

This is the one I was just beginning in Bonnie's video. If you watch it, you'll see how I do it. (That link opens a new window. Close it to return to this page.)

Website additions
New quilt pages, and detail pages.  Follow links from the gallery page.


Image - Cruciform #3

Enjoy the adventure!

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©2008 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.