Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
April 2008

Newsletter Archives

I'm really enjoying teaching online! Not only is it great fun to interact with the students, but the current color class has also reminded me of some color combos I've been wanting to try.

There's been lots of interest in the Instant Art Quilt class, so I'll be offering that again in April. (See details below.)

Recent Work
This month, I decided to take a look back at the art I made in 2007. It's kinda fun to see them all together. I've certainly got a predisposition toward vivid colors and strong contrasts!

Most of these have been added to the gallery, if you'd like to take a closer look.

Image - 2007 collage

Upcoming Events
- Melbourne, FL, April 4, lecture Increase Your Fiber with Raw Edge Appliqué
- Melbourne, FL, May 2, Art-chi-texture exhibit opening, LoPressionism Fine Art Gallery. (Exhibit runs through July 19.)
- The Villages, FL, May 6, workshop Double Reverse Applique and lecture Playing with Fabric

See Teaching and Events schedule for more details. See Art on Tour for a sneak peak.

Next online class:  Instant Art Quilt, starting April 25th. Details.

Excerpt from Adventures in Color class
Short Lesson - Monochromatic Plus
You probably kn
ow about monochromatic color schemes. These are ones in which variations of only one color are used. This shell painting, at right, is a good example. (My mom painted this!)

There's a potential problem with monochromatic pieces, however. If you're not careful, they can become boring. The sure-fire way to avoid this is to use a variety of values (darks and lights.) You can see that my mom has done this very successfully, with values ranging from almost white to black.

Another way to give interest to a monochromatic scheme is to slightly expand the scheme. Rather than using just one color, small amounts of two very similar ones can be added. This will still "read" as monochromatic, but it will have more variety.

The quilt Whispered Prayers, at right, shows this concept in action. At first glance it appears to be a fuscia quilt. But then, bits of red and purple can be noticed.

You'll find more information about color in this compilation of previous short lessons.

Image - Sea shell painting

Image - Whispered Prayers

Website additions
New quilt pages: Exhiliration, Fire at Night, Mangolicious
Other new pages: Products I Like, Art on Tour

Enjoy the adventure!

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©2008 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.