Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
June 2009

Newsletter Archives

Image - TV and cabinetLessons Confirmed by a Big Screen TV

My husband finally talked me into getting a large screen TV. That set in motion several challenges concerning furniture and decorating. The resolution of those issues confirmed a few things for me.

  1. My husband rocks! Because we couldn't find TV furniture that suited us, he BUILT this cabinet for us! How's that for awesome? He made it to my specifications and I think it's fantastic. Not only is it gorgeous, but it suits our needs very well.
  2. Fabric collage is a fast and easy way to create art. How do you decorate over or around these large TVs? I didn't know, but I thought something in a much different scale was needed. So, using glue rather than stitch, I created four pieces for above the TV. The fabric is glued directly onto extra deep artists' canvasses. I imagine I'll change them out one of these days, but for now, I'm quite happy with them.
  3. Fabric can come in handy in unexpected ways. The top left electrical component is actually a very pale gray. Initially, it stuck out like a sore thumb against the darker wood. Never fear: fabric to the rescue! I covered it with black sheer fabric. Not only does it look better, but the remote still works through the fabric. (Due to the flash in this photo, you can see through the fabric layers a little, but it's actually opaque in normal lighting.)

Image - Color book cover

Color E-book Available at Introductory Price

I've been getting great feeedback on my e-book Personal Workshop: Adventures in Color . Available as an immediate download, it's on sale until July 1st.

Full details on Personal Workshop: Adventures in Color are available here. You may also want to check out the excerpt.

Upcoming Events

- Melbourne, FL, June 15, Embroiderers' Guild of America, Indian River Chapter
(I think this is very cool. The Embroiderer's Guild wants to reach a larger audience, so they've booked a non-embroiderer! I'll be doing a color lecture for them, which should have wide appeal.)
Image - Apple Cut outSee Teaching and Events schedule for more details, and other events.

Next online class: Double Reverse Applique, (An Apple a Day,) starts very soon: June 5, 2009! Check out the killer apple project for this class, at right. In addition to creating a striking image, students will master this very accurate and easy technique. (It's great for portraits and such.) Class information.

New Work

Last month, I showed you a quilt I started with bright orange circles as primary elements. But, I also told you that I had abandoned my original idea and switched horses midstream.Image blue berries on aqua background

This is the final result, at left. I had great fun playing with the placement of the sheer "berries." You can see that better in the detail image.

I need a name for it. Although the composition was inspried by my quilt Ripening, I don't think that name pertains to these funky berries. If they really are berries. Any ideas?

New Group Blog

I belong to a small group of very creative fiber artists called Dirty Dozen Fiber Artists. We've recently started a group blog, and the fist few posts have been quite interesting. With twelve of us, we hope to keep the content intriguing and flowing. I hope you'll check out our blog at http://dirtydozenfiberartists.blogspot.com/. Maybe you'd even like to bookmark it!

Enjoy the adventure!

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©2008 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.