Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
October 2010 Newsletter
Double Reverse Applique Class
Starting November 12th

Image - red apple on green and blue background

My Double Reverse Applique class is the most popular one I teach. The killer apple project (at right) seems to have a lot to do with it. In addition, students find the technique very useful, since it's both accurate and easy. (It's great for portraits and such.)

Class starts November 12, 2010. Full information.

Adventure Quilter Facebook Page

I took the plunge and created a Facebook page for Adventure Quilter. It will include information similar to that on my blog, plus several permanent photo albums. And, since it's much easier to comment on this new page than wtih my blog, I'm hoping to interact with you more.

You don't need to be a member of Facebook to see a page like this, (nor my "friend,") so I'm hoping that many new people will also enjoy it.

Please check it out and help me spread the word. Just click on the badge above to go directly to the page.

Fiber Art Exhibit in Melbourne, FL

Image - orange house shape with geometric designs

My local fiber art group, Dirty Dozen Fiber Artists, will launch our annual exhibit on Saturday, October 2nd. We'll have a reception on the 2nd and the exhibit will remain on view through October 31st. See details in Upcoming Events on the side bar at right.

The image at right is called Domicile, by Martha Wolfe. It will be on display along with about fifty other pieces.

Still Time to Get Your Fingers Sticky

Image - gold and brown abstract

There's still time to join in on the Sticky Fingers (glued collage) online class. Lesson Two will be posted on October 1st, and the class continues through October 15th. Full Details.

The piece at left was made by student Anne Wise, and is called Askance.


New Work: Something Different

The piece I have to show you this month is both very different and highly personal. I started working on it when my husband and I spent a month out of town while he underwent a medical procedure.

Image - blue and green book exterior

I wanted to create something that had to do with that time, but without focusing on medical procedures and such. Instead, I chose to focus on the good outcome of his treatment. Specifically, enjoying outdoor activities, such as hiking, and kayaking. This mixed media book, called Anticipating (Good) Health, is the result. It includes a tassle-like "book mark" which tells the story.

Image - blue and green book, exterior

The interior section includes an encouraging bible verse, Jeremiah 29:11.

I've shown quite a bit about the creation of this book on my blog. However, due to it's personal nature, I will not be including it in the general website gallery. I hope you'll check it out on the blog. (Searching for "art book" will bring up all the related posts, which start on June 16, 2010.)

I no longer have to anticipate my husband's good health, because he's doing very well. I give thanks for that, and anticipate that it will continue for many years!

Fractured Quilts: Snips and Tips

After showing my Flower Power quilt last month, I received several questions about the technical and logistical issues associated with such fractured, or sliced quilts. To help answer those questions, I've written an article about the process.

It addresses not only the technical challenges, but also things like ownership and copyright.

Image - orange hibiscus photo
Image - pattern for hibiscus Image - orange hibiscus

You'll find the article here. It's also listed in the articles directory.

What's New

Be sure to check out the new student work in the Design Your Own Nature Quilt gallery, as well as the Fractured Quilts article. (See sidebar links.)

The blog shows many recent projects in-progress, including a quilt that I stitched first, and then painted all over. (See sidebar link.)

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!

Next Online Class

Double Reverse Applique
November 24th

More info

Upcoming Events
Melbourne, FL, Oct. 2-31: Dirty Dozen Exposed! exhibit. Opening reception October 2nd.
- Keller, TX, Oct. 19-20 lecture and class
- Charlotte, NC,
Nov. 2-3, lecture and class
- Greensboro, NC,
Nov. 4, lecture
Full Teaching and Events Schedule
New on Website

- New addition to the Design Your Own Nature Quilt Gallery
- Fractured Quilts Article

Art on Tour
Click Here to find
Ellen's work in your area.
New on Blog

- Two completed floral pieces.
- A quilt that I stitched first and then painted ALL OVER.
Lots of great student work.
A fabulous paper collage exhibit.

Blog home

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If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2010 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.