Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
May 2010 Newsletter
Transformations Opening

The opening of the Transformations exhibit, in Melbourne, FL, was a big success, as well as very enjoyable. It was standing room only in the Brevard Art Museum, as the poets read their poems and the artists talked about their work. In addition, a fabulous book was created about the exhibit, so there was lots of book signing going on. Image - 2 women in front of fabric collage

I was paired with poet Marcia Denius, on the left. She did a wonderful job writing about clouds and weaving in all sorts of quilting terms. Her poem can be seen behind my head, on display with my quilt, Natural Progression.

I hope you'll go to my blog so you can read Marcia's poem and see more photos from the opening. The exhibit continues through June 5th.

New Series

Image - dark brown background with tan curvy line

If you've been reading my newsletter for a while, you know I like to work very loosely, often depicting bright foliage. But it's also nice to try something different every now and then.

And that's what I'm doing with my new series. Rather than working spontaneously, I'm creating patterns for sleek undulating lines and other shapes. I'm finding this to also be a fun way to work!

Each of the pieces are tall and skinny, about 9" x 36", and created entirely with silk dupioni. The luster of this fabric is beautiful!

These quilts started as sketches. With each one, I'll be very true to that original sketch. My idea is that the eventual collection (of six or so,) will show an interesting progression of ideas. I'm using the same five fabrics throughout, changing which one is used for the background, focal point, etc.

As you can see, I don't have a good picture of this #2 piece, yet, but I'll have it up soon. I'll also be showing some of the sketches and progress on my blog.

I don't have a name for this series. Any ideas?

Design Your Own Nature Quilt
Online Class Coming in July

Image - pink and white flowersThis is my favorite class to teach, largely because of the thrill the students get from mastering some basic design principles. Using their own unique inspiration photos, students learn how to interpret them in fabric. No artistic skill is required, but this class does require some artistic courage! Class starts July 16th. Full details here.

My class sample, Cosmo Cotillion, is shown above.

Ellen Squiggle

Image - blue squiggly stitching

A creative, (or maybe just rebellious), moment in a satin stitch class resulted in a great squiggly line. Read the full details on how to do this easy and spontaneous technique, which I call an "Ellen squiggle."

A Visit to Mood, and other Blog News

Are you a Project Runway fan? If so, you may be interested in my visit to Mood Fabrics, in New York city. (This is the store where the PR participants purchase their fabric.) My visit did not disappoint, and you can read about it on my blog. (April 11 & 26 posts.)

I've also had several other quilt related adventures, which are mentioned on my blog. (See the sidebar item.) I always have lots going on, and I like it that way!

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!

Next Online Class

Design Your Own Nature Quilt
July 16, 2010
More info here


- Melbourne, FL, Transformations exhibit through June 5, Brevard Art Museum

Full Teaching and Events Schedule
New on Website
- "Ellen Squiggle"
Art on Tour
Click Here to find
Ellen's work in your area.
New on Blog

- Timeless Treasures Quilt Show
- Photos from THREE classes
- Transformations exhibit
- A visit to Mood Fabrics, in New York city
- Being interviewed and photographed for a magazine

Blog home

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©2010 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.