Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
June 2010 Newsletter
Feeling Like a Celebrity

Image - Ellen on sofaOnly a few days after the phenomenal Transformations opening I got even more celebrity treatment. This time, it was an interview for Spaces, a local interior decorating magazine.

The writer, photographer, and editor all showed up at my house for the event.  While I was busy talking to the writer, the other two rearranged furniture and accessories, in order to properly stage things for photography.  Lights were set up, special fans turned on, and the photographer got to work.  He shot quite a few of my pieces, showing them as they're hung in my home. Then it was time for photos of me. I definitely felt like a star!

I can't wait to see the article! If you're interested, I've written more about the interview on my blog, and I've included a couple of additional photos.

(Transformations continues through June 5th. See more info in the sidebar.)

Design Your Own Nature Quilt
Class Starting July 16th

Image - purple and yellow flowers

Would you like to learn how to compose a design? Create and control a focal point? These are just some of the things you'll learn in the Design Your Own Nature Quilt online class.

In fact, you'll gain enough knowlege and skill to make a unique design, using your own photo as an inspiration source. It doesn't get much more exciting than that!

This is my favorite class to teach, because the students find they're able to do things they would have never thought possible. This is exhilirating for all of us!

Splendor in the Garden, above, was made by Lyn Smith, a former student in this class. Lyn's inspiration photo did not include yellow flowers, but she added them to increase the value contrast. This is very effective, and it's a good example of the class motto: "Be insipred by your photo, not owned by it.". You'll find more on this subject in a short excerpt from the class material.

See other student results in the student gallery. Part One starts July 16th and class enrollment is very limited. Find full details here.

New Work: Sketching with Silk

Image - blue sik with undulating tan line


As I told you last month, I've been translating a series of sketches to silk. I'm enjoying the simple lines and hand stitching, and I'm LOVING the luster of the silk!

This is the latest piece, at left. I've decided on a name for the series: Sketching with Silk. So, this is simply Sketching with Silk #3. You can see a larger image, along with a detail shot here.

I've also improved the imagery for the second piece. You'll find it here.

Now that I've done a few of these, I feel the need to work more loosely. So, I've started a new piece, which I'll complete before returning to this series. (As a matter of fact, you're invited to join me. See the challenge item, next.)

Flower Wagon Challenge

Image - flower wagon

On a recent visit to Savannah, I had great fun photographing this wagon of flowers from a variety of angles. As a matter of fact, my photos quickly became the inspiration source for my next quilt.

Thinking that others might also enjoy working from these images, I proposed a challenge (on my blog.) The assignment is to freely use my flower wagon photos, either as inspiration or as actual components, to create new art of any medium. As a reward for your efforts, I'll post your finished results on my blog.

Maybe you're interested in participating, too. If so, you'll find more photos and details here. I hope to have many more artists (that's you) involved!

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!

Next Online Class

Design Your Own Nature Quilt
July 16, 2010
More info here

Upcoming Events

- Melbourne, FL, Transformations exhibit through June 5, Brevard Art Museum

Full Teaching and Events Schedule
New on Website
- New addition to the student "Design Your Own Nature Quilt" gallery
- Excerpt from "Design Your Own Nature Quilt" about desgin options
Art on Tour
Click Here to find
Ellen's work in your area.
New on Blog

- Sketching with Silk: original pencil sketches and in-progress photos
- Photographs from Savannah, GA
- Flower Wagon challenge. (Join in!)
-Fantastic embroidery done by a friend
- My progress on my flower wagon piece.

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©2010 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.