Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
April 2011 Newsletter
Sticky Fingers: Glued Collage
Starting Online April 22nd

Image - orange cruciform
Looking for an extremely FAST and fun project? Glued collage fills the bill!
Once the design is composed, there's no need to quilt it, add a binding, etc.

You'll have a chance to learn the technique when the next Sticky Fingers class starts on April 22nd.

Cruciform #2, at right, is one of my favorite examples of the technique.

Find full class details here.

First Video Online!

Woohoo! My first video is now online! It's about my recent mixed media book, "Perfect Iced Tea." Click on the play button below to see it.

 This video and future ones can be accessed via the Learn with Ellen page.

New Work: Blossoms Overhead

I think experimentation is absolutely essential for improving my artiImage - pergola with pink blossoms hanging downstic and creative skills. And my experiments often lead me in wonderful directions. But, sometimes, they become exercises in learning what not to do. I think, perhaps, this painted quilt falls into the latter category.

It looked horrible at the 11th hour, but I tried a radical solution which worked. Now, I'm happy with it, but I don't think I'll be using this technique again!

You can read about the process, and my unusual solution on my blog. Also, see more details about the finished quilt, including detail shots.

Food for Thought: The Eyes of a Tourist

Image - Central Park
I'm just back from a family vacation to New York City. I took lots of photos of our "touristy" activities, but I also found myself continually reaching for the camera to record everyday scenes. Skyscrapers, blue skies, dark trees, street vendors, and more.

It's great to intrigued by your surroundings, and I think there's a city quilt in my future. But, I read something recently about inspiration. The author said you have to go out and get inspiration. Like taking a vacation, a walk, visiting a museum, etc. Further, he said that you must record your inspiration. This could be with photos as I have done, or by sketching or writing about it. I think that's an important point. I've often had an idea for a quilt that never came to be. Sometimes I lose interest in that concept, and other times I just completely forget about.

I'm going to try to record my inspirations more consistently. And I'm also going to try to look at my neighborhood with the eyes of a tourist.

I've written about this in a recent blog post which includes more photos. Why not check it out and leave a comment about your own process. Where do you find inspiration? And how do you record it, if you do?

What's New
See the new work in the "Design Your Own Nature Quilt" student gallery.

You can always read about what I'm up to on my blog. Especially interesting are the vignettes from the recent "Collaborations" exhibit.

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!

Next Online Class

Sticky Fingers:
Glued Collage
Aprill 22, 2011

More info

Upcoming Events

- Jacksonville, FL, April 16, class

Full Teaching and Events Schedule
New on Website

- New work in the "Design Your Own Nature Quilt" student gallery.

New on Blog

- DRA class photos in Port St. Lucie, FL
- LOTS of photos of the Collaborations exhibit vignettes
- My newest work, in progress
- More New York photos (and more to come)
Blog home

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©2011 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.