Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
September/October 2011 Newsletter
She Loved It!

Remember the barn commission quilt I've been working on? Now, I can reveal that it was for my mom, and she loved it!

Image - red barn against mountain backrop

My uncle commissioned it for his sister, in honor of her 75th birthday. Wasn't that a great gift?

The image is a favorite view of hers, located in the rural area where she and my dad live. In the sky I quilted the names of her parents and children, as well as the year she was born, etc. (All the non-quilters were amazed by this.) I used a light backing fabric, so everyone attending her party signed the back.

Image - red barn detail

I think the quilt was successful both with its appearance and its sentiments, and I'm so happy that my mom and her brother were delighted with it!

L-R below: Me, my mom, her brother, his partner
Image - Mom receiving her commissioned barn quilt

You can read lots more about the making of this quilt on my blog: June - August, 2011.

Dirty Dozen Exhibit

My local fiber art group has our annual exhibit in October. It's always fantastic, so if you're in Melbourne, FL, I hope you'll stop by to see it.

IMage - postcard

From October 1st through October 31st,
Boutique 4 Quilters

The Dirty Dozen Fiber Artists will transform the Boutique 4 Quilters
classroom into an exhibit of over 50 original fiber art pieces,
made with a variety of exciting materials and techniques. 
In addition, two group projects will be featured. 
Reception October 8th, 1-3 PM
General viewing during regular store hours

Boutique 4 Quilters is located at
2945 W. New Haven Ave., West Melbourne, FL 
Store hours are M-F 9:30-5, Sat. 9:30-4.  Phone 321-768-2060


Instant Art Quilt
Starting October 28th

Image - Elaine Koenig IAQ

Want to try your hand at art quilting, but not sure where to start? The Instant Art Quilt Class is a great place to begin.

You'll begin with a beautiful piece of hand dyed fabric and end up with your own unique quilt. The results are always fabulous! The example is shown here was made by Elaine Koenig. Check out the student gallery to see many more. Full class details.

SAQA Auction

Image - Deidre Adams Cmposition XIII

Isn't this quilt fantastic? Called Composition XIII, it's made by Deidre Adams, and it's one of many quilts in the SAQA fund raising auction going on NOW!  These quilts are phenomenal and there are six pages, for you to enjoy! (And bid on.)

Click the quilt to see it as a much larger image. You'll love the detail.

Click here to find full auction details.

To Everything There is a Season

There is an appointed time for everything.   And there is a time for every event under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1

I find myself in an appointed time as care giver for a special family member. Although I'd prefer to have my family healthy, I'm HAPPY to help in this way, and I'm very upbeat about both the process and the outcome.

Of course, my art making will be curtailed somewhat during this season, but I plan to still find time for some projects. And, I'll enjoy my online teaching. Future newsletters may be a little shorter, but they'll still be coming.

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!

Next Online Class

Instant Art Quilt
October 28th

More info

Full Teaching and Events Schedule
New on Blog

- Design-Nature class photos
- Birthday fun
- Work in progress: White on White

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Two new wonderful additions to the students' Design Your Own Nature Quilt Gallery
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©2011 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.