Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
November 2010 Newsletter
Double Reverse Applique Class
Starting November 12th

Image - young girl photo
Image - portrait of young girl, tan and brown





Do you want to make super accurate images on your quilts? If so, you may be interested in my Double Reverse Applique technique. It's fast easy and accurate. So much so, that the portrait you see above was the very first thing I attempted with this technique!

The next online class starts November 12, 2010. Full information

(The class material is also available as a "Personal Workshop" ebook.)

New Work - Painted!

Image - blue-green background with orange circles and rectanglesLately, I've been noticing a lot of quilts which were quilted, then painted. Intrigued, I decided to try my hand at it.

Wow! I have to say this was fun. But also challenging. I didn't fully plan my design before stitching, which made it more difficult. Still, it was an interesting way to create. Of course, the stitching took quite a while. A longarm, sure would make this easier!

All in all, I'm quite happy with this small quilt. I had quite a time coming up with a name for it. After much consideration, that's exactly what I named it: After Much Consideration.

See a larger photo and a detail shot
Douglas Nelson Photography

Held Over Fiber Art Exhibit in Melbourne, FL

Image - undulating tan line on dark blue-green background

After hanging our exhibit, Dirty Dozen Exposed!, we were shocked to count 86 pieces on display!
These include two group projects: Tall and Thin, and Flower Power.

We were delighted when this exhibit was held over through the end of November!

See photos on my blog, and a link to more information in the right side bar.

My piece, Silk Study #3, shown at right, is included in the exhibit.


Why "Adventure Quilter?"

Way back in 1982, when my husband and I got married, we received all sorts of wedding gifts related to cooking. A wok, food processor, lots of casserole dishes and several cookbooks. Well, I was a newlywed and I didn't know any better. So, I actually used that stuff.

Go to fullsize imageAbout once a week I would try something new. Perhaps a new gadget, new technique, or new recipe. Along the way, I got very "creative" with my cooking, substituing processed cheese food for parmesan cheese, and making a huge mess with the food processor. Although all the results were edible, there were a few times we decided that we didn't really need to save the leftovers. As a result, it wasn't long before my husband started referring to my efforts as "Adventure Meals."

An adventure meal was simply one in which I experimented. At the time, I was focusing on the end product: dinner. But, in hindsight, I realize that the process was also important because it taught me a lot about cooking. (Thankfully.)

These days, I make very few adventure meals. But, I always make adventure quilts. An adventure quilt is one in which I try a new gadget, new technique or new recipe. Maybe a new color recipe. And, although I'm aiming for a nice quilt as the finished product, I realize that the process of experimenting is valuable, too. It enhances my skills and makes me more creative. So, when something doesn't turn out quite to my liking, I remind myself of this. I recognize that I didn't waste my time and I didn't waste my fabric.

This idea of experimentation is very important to me. So, when I needed a name for my website, Adventure Quilter seemed like a good fit.

I LOVE creating quilts with an adventurous attitude and trying new things! I hope you have a little spark of adventure in your quilt making, as well.

What's New

Image - pregrant woman in prayer, pinkFB

Have you had a chance to take a look at my new Facebook page yet? I've recently added a photo album featuring all my Body Language quilts.

Click the image at left to go directly to the page "Ellen Lindner: Adventure Quilter."


After posting last month's article about fractured quilts, several people sent me links to additional examples. You can find these new links as the end of the article.

Image - child's board book being reworkedHave you ever made a mixed media book? I have one under my belt, but I want to make more. Therefore, I challenged the Dirty Dozen Fiber Artists to join me in making them. Since I thought others might like to join in, I also posted all the challenge details on my blog with this promise: if you make a mixed media book I'll show it on my blog. Details.

My students create such excellent work! I'm honored when they send me photos of their completed projects. You can see the latest: additions to the Sticky Fingers gallery and the Design Your Own Nature Quilt gallery.

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!

Next Online Class

Double Reverse Applique
November 12th

More info

Upcoming Events
Held Over:
- Melbourne, FL,
Oct. 2-Nov. 30: Dirty Dozen Exposed! exhibit.
- Charlotte, NC, Nov. 2-3, lecture and class
- Greensboro, NC,
Nov. 4, lecture
Late Addition:
- Cocoa, FL, Nov. 12, lecture
- Vero Beach, FL, Jan. 13, lecture and class
Full Teaching and Events Schedule
New on Website

- New addition to the Design Your Own Nature Quilt Gallery
- Two new additions to the Sticky Fingers Gallery
- New quilt

Art on Tour
Click Here to find
Ellen's work in your area.
New on Blog

- Dirty Dozen exhibit photos
- The making of Blue Roofs, a 2005 hurricane piece
-A painted quilt
- A mixed media book challenge
- Painting fabric and FISH!
- Texas DRA apple results.
Blog home

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If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2010 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.