Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
February 2010 Newsletter
Tote Tuesday

Image - colorful tote bagHave you heard about Tote Tuesday? This is a fabulous fund raiser geared toward fiber art and those who love it. Organized by Virginia Spiegel, 100% of the proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.

Starting February 2nd, awesome tote bags will be auctioned online. Each one has a theme, which might be a technique such as rusting fabric, or a visual motif, such as hearts. The totes include everything from DVDs, to beads, and even completed small art pieces!

Each week, a different tote bag will be offered. You'll find lots of information on Virginia's blog. Be sure to check it often to make sure you get your favorite bag! (I've got my eye on several.)

Collage for a Cause

Image - floral collage with white mat and black frame

I'm delighted to be participating in Tote Tuesday, as explained above. I was asked to contribute toward the "Have a Heart" (aka Big Names - Big Hearts) tote, organized by Peggy Schroder.

I made a small collage called Emerging Hope. I thought this title would be appropriate for the image, as well as elude to the hope a cancer patient so desperately needs. Do you see the subtle heart?

The collage size is only 10" x 8", so it will fit in the tote. I envision it being mounted on a white mat, and framed with a skinny black frame, as shown.

As it turns out, this little quilt presented some technical challenges. You can read about that on my blog, (January 8th and forward.) You'll also see my progress and detail shots.

Thanks to the generosity of many donors, there will be several "Have a Heart" totes. My collage will go up for auction on Tuesday, February 9th, along with a beautiful one-of-a-kind fabric, and several large spools of pink and red thread.

Fun Teaching Live Classes

I REALLY enjoy teaching classes, both live and online. I get a big adrenalin surge as the students create beautiful designs and get excited about what they're learning.

On a recent teaching trip to Sarasota, the students and I had a blast! I taught Double Reverse Applique (An Apple a Day) the first day, and Design Your Own Nature Quilt the second. Those ladies rocked it! Image - orange orchids against green leaves

Lou took both classes and she sent me the nicest email. She said, in part, "I was impressed by your presentation methods and organization skills. You do beautiful work, AND do a superb job of explaining how it is done ...a rare combination! Thanks for sharing!" As you can see from the photo of Lou's piece at right, she does nice work too! This was after only three hours of collaging and working from her photo. (Per our class motto, she was inspired by it, rather than owned by it.)

I've written quite a bit about these two classes on my blog. With each of the Design-Nature students, I've explained a little about their design decisions. I always enjoy reading that sort of thing. Maybe you will too. (Check the blog entries from January 22nd forward.)

Tip: Shipping Quilts

Are you considering shipping a quilt to a show, but wondering how to do it? A friend recently asked me about this, I responded like this:

I generally pack my quilts in long boxes, 48 x 6 x 6.  I order these from www.uline.com, and generally use them several times. Alternatively, FedEx has a long skinny box that works when shipping shorter pieces by air. 

This is my how I typically prepare a quilt for shipping:
- Roll the quilt around a swimming noodle or a taped-together cylinder of bubble wrap.
- Roll it with the right side out, and starting from the bottom edge.
- Roll a piece of muslin, etc. around the quilt, so you can pin it in place without having to pin into the quilt.
- I have big long skinny quilt bags I've made, each with my contact information.  I put the whole assembly into one of those.  I've never bothered with trying to waterproof the whole thing, but it's a good idea, if you can engineer it. Options include buying commercial bags or rigging one with trash bags and packing tape.
- Pack the tube/quilt assembly into the box so it stays in the center, rather than banging into the sides.  (Just wedge newspaper, etc. around the noodle at each end.)

I've used USPS, UPS, and FedEx for shipping.  They all have their pros and cons.  USPS is by far the cheapest, but it's also the least secure.  And their insurance is sorta pricey.  UPS and FedEx are very similar.  I generally use UPS out of habit, but many quilters prefer FedEx.  Declare the contents as linens!  (Apparently the risk of theft is higher if the shipping label says quilt.)

Insurance is a toss up.  You can buy it, but that doesn't mean you'll be compensated for the full amount purchased. The shipper will require you to prove the value, so unless you have an appraisal, you'll probably be out of luck. 

I've added this information to my Directory of Free Articles, with additional links and a photo of my packing supplies.

Paris Fabric District

Image - Paris street, fabric shopsSeveral years ago, my website had a different name and address. Since changing, I've been SLOWLY moving content from the old one to this one. One "new" addition this month is an article about my visit to the Paris Fabric District. I think you'll enjoy it. Just follow this link.

There are several other new things on the website and blog. Be sure to check the sidebar on the right for the latest updates.

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!

Next Online Class

Adventures in Color
Spring 2010

More info

Upcoming Events

- New Smyrna Beach, FL, February 2, Pelican Piecemakers' Quilt Guild
- Hudson, FL, March 18-20, West Pasco Quilt Guild
- Stuart, FL, April 8 & 11, Martin County Quilters

Full Teaching and Events Schedule
New on Website
- Article: Paris Fabric District
- Updated Arts on Tour page
- Article: Shipping Quilts
Art on Tour
Click Here to find
Ellen's work in your area.
New on Blog
- The making of Hope Emerging (seen completed at left)
- "Beauty in the Produce Section"
- Awesome student results from two classes in Sarasota, Florida.
- The most beautiful book in the world. (Really!)
Blog home
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If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2010 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.