Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
September 2010 Newsletter
Sticky Fingers (Glued Collage) Class
Starting September 24th

Image - purple spiral on green background

Need a quick fabric project? Try gluing a collage, rather than stitching it! It's easy and fun. And when you finish your composition you're done. No need to quilt it, bind it, or sew on a sleeve! A fabulous alternative when you need a change of pace. (And the results are fantastic too!)

You'll have a chance to learn this technique when the next Sticky Fingers class starts on September 24th.

In an earlier class, Kathy Edwards created Sticky Spiral, above. This was her own design. Wasn't she creative?

Full class details.

New Work: Flower Wagon Challenge

Image - red, orange, and pink flowers with dark backtround

My new quilt, Snapdragons, was inspired by a photo I took while on vacation in Savannah, GA.

I loved my photos so much that I invited blog readers to join me in creating artwork inspired by them. Several participated and I've added photos of their pieces to my blog, along with lots of information about the construction of this quilt.

See a larger view of this quilt, along with a detail shot.

Read the blog posts about this quilt: First post - with inspiration photos, or Directory of all related posts.

Design-Nature Class Yielding Great Results

As always, I'm very impressed with the students in my current online class, Design Your Own Nature Quilt. This class requires the students to work outside their comfort zones, as they draw inspiration from their own photo, create a design, and then construct it in fabric. But, there's been no whining! Instead, they muster their creative courage and forge ahead. With the class begining to wind down, I'm seeing many wonderful quilts in progress, and I can't wait to see the finished results!

Image - garden sceneMy Year-Round Garden, at right, is Cheryl Gebhart's finished quilt from the class. She worked very loosely from her photo, using a wide variety of fabrics and colors. As a result her finished quilt is MUCH more interesting than her original photo!

Perfectly Flat Quilts: Blocking Tutorial Updated

If you do much machine quilting, you've probably encountered a quilt with hills and valleys. Not to worry. It's possible to flatten the quilt with a process called blocking. I've written about this before, and I've recently added a second part to the article, dealing with some tricky issues. I hope you'll find this tutorial helpful

Flower Power Group Challenge

Image - bright pink flower on dark background
This must be the summer for flower challenges, because I recently participated in another one. This one was with by my local group, Dirty Dozen Fiber Artists

Each participant made a quilt top, inspired by the same photo of a hot pink flower. We could interpret it as loosely as we liked, as long as the proportions were similar to those of the photo. Then, all the tops were sliced in half both vertically and horizontally, so that four quandrants were created. Finally, we randomly distriubted the sections, with instructions to put them back together in a flower-like arrangement. We were allowed to alter our pieces in any fashion. Completed pieces are to finished to the same size, and they'll be displayed at our upcoming exhibit.

Mine is shown above, called Flower POW-er. You can see the inspiration photo, my original quilt top, still intact, and more on my blog. (Posts start on August 12th.)

This group of women is extremely creative, so I can only imagine what some of them will do with their pieces. I expect mine to be tame compared to some of the others!

What's New

You'll find lots of intersting things on my website, as well as my blog. The website features three new additions to the student galleries, as well as the blocking tutorial. (See sidebar link.)

My blog shows my latest pieces in progress, plus information about a class a took, and a special painting created by my mom. (See sidebar link.)

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!

Next Online Class

Sticky Fingers:
Glued Fabric Collage
September 24, 2010
More info

Full Teaching and Events Schedule
Upcoming Events
Melbourne, FL, Oct. 2-31: Dirty Dozen Exposed! exhbiit. Opening reception October 2nd.
New on Website

- New addition to the Sticky Fingers Gallery
- New addition to the Double Reverse Applique Gallery
- New addition to the
Design Your Own Nature Quilt Gallery
- Perfectly Flat Quilts: Blocking Tutorial

Art on Tour
Click Here to find
Ellen's work in your area.
New on Blog

- My progress on Snapdragons.
My progress on the Flower Power Challenge.
- A layered batik class with Jo-Ann Jensen.
- A special gift from my talented mom.

Blog home

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©2010 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.