Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
January 2012 Newsletter
Start the New Year Off
by Expanding Your Artistic Skills!

Would you like to learn how to compose a design? Create and control a focal point? These are just some of the things you'll learn in the Design Your Own Nature Quilt online class.

In fact, you'll gain enough knowledge and skill to make a unique design, using your own photo as an inspiration source. It doesn't get much more exciting than that!

This is my favorite class to teach, because the students find they're able to do things they would have never thought possible. This is exhilarating for all of us!

Image - pink flowers at the seaside

Marseille V - Frioul, above, was made by Nathalie Goosens. You can see her inspiration photo below. Nathalie did a great job of exaggerating the good qualities of her photo and changing things where needed. She had a great time creating her piece and wrote extensively about it on her blog.

Image - pink flowers at seaside, photo

Read a short excerpt from the class material. See other student results in the student gallery.

Part One starts January 20th and class enrollment is very limited. Find full details here.

Back to Art

My schedule has kept me out of the studio for the last few months. But, now I'll be re-entering with gusto. I've got a couple of good books to help energize my creative juices and I'm excited about the coming days.

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!

Next Online Class

Design Your Own
Nature Quilt
Class Info

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- Christmas flower arranging
- Unconventional Materials
- Smocking sampler
- What did I knit?
-Considering UFOs
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©2010 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.