Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
February 2012 Newsletter
Join Me in a Live Class

What's more fun than packing up your quilting gear and spending the day in a class room full of friends? Add in learning new artistic and technical skills and you've got
a perfect event.

IMage - students at work

I always enjoy teaching live classes, and I hope to see you in one of them! This year I'll be teaching in Michigan, South Carolina, Colorado, and Florida. Please check my teaching schedule to see when I'll be near you.

Featured Classes: Ann Arbor, Michigan, March 16th and 18th

Design Your Own Nature Quilt
Image - white and pink flowers on a dark background

This class will help take the fear out of design.  Using your own nature photo, you’ll learn how to interpret it in fabric. Read the entire class description here

Double Reverse Applique
Image - green appleImage - gold pear







Check out the killer projects for this class!  This raw edged appliqué technique is extremely accurate. Read the entire class description here

For class costs and additional information, see the guild website.

Full Teaching and Events Schedule
New on Blog

- The Power of Stitching
- Size Matters (With Prints, That Is)
- Zentangles
- Selecting a Background Color
- Colorful Croton Quilt
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New Work in Progress

Image  - colorful Croton leaves against a blue background
I'm really having fun working on my current quilt. It features crotons and, as you can see, it's very colorful. Just my thing!

I love these vibrant colors and I think I'll kick them even more by using bright colors for the veins. Maybe bright blue for the largest leaf and lime green for the fuscia one. You get the idea.

I'm posting about this quilt a lot on my blog. If you want to learn about my past decisions and follow the future ones, be sure to visit often.

Art on Tour

Image - abstrac angular design in purple red and goldI'm busy preparing to send my work to a variety of exhibits. At the top of the list is a two-person show at the King Center for Performing Arts, in Melbourne, FL. This March show will feature some work that hasn't been seen in a while, including Urban Sprawl, shown at left.

This quilt underwent an extreme makeover. One in which I cut it up and reassembled it. As a result, it won a Judge's Choice Award for "Best Off the Wall Composition." You can read about the makeover here.

The exhibit will also include at least six other fairly large pieces of mine, as well as the work of Jo-Ann Jensen, a talented silk painter.

In addition, I'll have three pieces in the Seaside Piecemakers show, also in Melbourne, in March. Plus a piece that I've donated to their small quilt auction. You can see all these quilts and event details here.

What's New

My time as intensive care giver has pretty much come to an end. I was happy to help my family member, and even more delighted with the treatment results.

Now, I'm REALLY enjoying being back in the studio, as well as hanging out with my fiber art buddies. (Check my blog to see what I've been up to.) Life is good!!!

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!

If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2012 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.