Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
May 2012 Newsletter

Sticky Fingers Glued Collage
Online May 25th

I really enjoy workImage - blue-green abstract, glueding with glued collage, because it's extremely fast and fun! Once the design is composed, there's no need to quilt it, add a binding, etc. Plus, it's possible to work with tiny bits of fabric which are too small to easily sew.

You'll have a chance to learn the technique when the next class starts on May 25th.

Cruciform #1, is an example of the technique. (My first glued collage. Way fun!)

See awesome student results here.
Find full class details here.

New Work: Crotons

Image - colorful leaves on dark blue backgroundI'm really happy with my latest quilt, Crotons. At 60 inches wide, it's about twice the size of my typical quilt. (And it took a good bit longer, too.) But, the leaves have tons of impact at this scale! I definitely love that!

See a detail shot of this quilt and more information here. Plus, there's tons on my blog about this quilt, from design to completion.

Melbourne, FL Exhibits: Florida in Fabric
and Yvonne Porcella Retrospective

There's big news for art quilters here in Melbourne, FL. Not only is there a juried quilt exhibit coming up at our prestigious Center for Textile Arts, but a companion exhibit of Yvonne Porcella's work has also been arranged! AND Yvonne will be giving a gallery tour!

Also, my Crotons quilt will be in the juried exhibit. The theme is postcards from Florida, which is reflected in the proportions of the quilts.

Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL

FLORIDA IN FABRIC, Wish You Were Here!
Yvonne Porcella:  Quilt Selections 1986-2012

Image - colorful vegetation

May 19 - August 18, 2012

Gallery Tour by Yvonne Porcella
Saturday, May 19, 2 PM

Ruth Funk Center hours:  T-F 10-4, Sat., 12-4. 

Artwork: Wonderland, ©2012 Yvonne Porcella (Photo by Cathie Hoover)
Next Online Class

Sticky Fingers
May 25th

Class Info

Upcoming Events
- Seneca, SC, May 7-8: lecture and workshops
- Melbourne, FL, May 19-August 18, Florida in Fabric exhibit
Full Teaching and Events Schedule
New on Website
- Crotons
Article: Finishing Details
New on Blog

- Design Your Own Nature Quilt student results
Exhibit installation photos
- Phone Art
- Instant Art Quilt student results
- Designing a commission quilt
- Playing with Surface Design
- Sea Star by Jo-Ann Jensen
Blog home

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New Article: Finishing Details

Image - quilts rolled about storage rod
Isn't it great to finish working on a quilt? I love that feeling! But, once my stitching is complete, I still need to add a label, photograph the quilt, and complete several other finishing tasks. I've even created a checklist to make the job easier.

I've written about my process in a new article, with links to tutorials on blocking, storing, and much more. I hope you'll find it helpful.

What's New

Image - iphone with custom quilt cover

Oh my, I've been busy. And having fun, for the most part. You can read all about the design process for a new quilt, fantastic student results, and full out PLAY on my blog. But, I just have to show you this one very cool thing. My phone!

Isn't that neat? I ordered a custom cover for it, complete with a photo of one of my quilts, and my website. I'm sorta in love with it! (More details on my blog.)

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!

If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2012 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.