Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
June 2012 Newsletter
Double Reverse Applique
Online July 6th

Image - red apple on green and blue background
An Apple a Day is the name I've given the project I teach in my Double Reverse Applique class. Isn't it striking? Perhaps that's the reason this class is the most popular one I teach. Plus, the technique is very useful, both easy and accurate.

Class starts July 6, 2012.

See student results and full information.

Inspired by the Floor?

Image - colorful fabric scraps

Have you ever been inspired by your studio floor? Well, me neither, but the scraps on the floor are a different matter. You see, when I'm working at my design wall, I just let little scraps fall to the floor. At the very end of my project, I rake them up with my fingers and give them to friends.

But not this time. Some of the pieces were a decent size, and the colors were irresistible! I just had to do something with them! So, I decided to make a small Croton quilt.

Image - colorful scraps arranged against blue fabricThe first thing I had to to was to figure out what size I could achieve with the existing scraps. When I laid them out, I noticed the energy created by the oddball shapes and sharp angles. I wanted to retain that, so I used the pieces with almost no alteration.

I had great fun cutting loose and working this way. And I love the result! I call it When Crotons Cut Loose, shown below. Image - Colorful Croton leave on a blue background




I've written much more about making this piece on my blog.

For more information and a detail shot, see When Crotons Cut Loose on my web site.

Still Time to Join
Online Glued Collage Class

Although our class started on May 25th, you've still got plenty of time to join our Sticky Fingers (glued collage) class. The technique is very straight forward, so you can easily catch up. Plus, you can save all the class material for future reference, if needed. Since this class is only offered about once a year, this is a great opportunity.

Image - pale blue sky with green stems, in-progressGlued collage is really fun because it's FAST, and it allows you to work with very tiny pieces. As a matter of fact, I've been inspired to do another glued collage while teaching the class. Here's a sneak peak.

Perhaps you can tell that I've included sheer papers. Several of these are painted paper towels, pulled apart into very thin layers. They're too fragile for sewing, but work beautifully with glue.

See awesome student results here.
Find full class details here.

Next Online Class

Double Reverse Applique
July 6th

Class Info

Upcoming Events

- Melbourne, FL, May 19-August 18, Florida in Fabric exhibit
- .Jacksonville, FL, August 27, Design Your Own Nature quilt class
Full Teaching and Events Schedule
Art on Tour
New on Web site
Autumn Breeze
Canyon Colors
New on Blog

- Surface design results
- Bleeding fabrics
- Instant Art Quilt student results, Seneca, SC
- Double Reverse Applique student results, Seneca, SC
- "Thread Heads" exhibit
- Praise from students
- Making When Crotons Cut Loose
Blog home

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Quilts Added to Web site

My summer intern (aka my son,) has been helping me add some earlier quilts to my web site. We'll have many more as the summer progresses. For now, check out these. Click on the quilt names to go to their respective pages, where you'll find a detail shot and more information.

What's New

Image - fuschia, orange and yellow abstract

Is this fabric gorgeous or what? It's the result of a play day I had with my fiber art friends, in which we learned to ice dye and screen print. This piece was ice dyed, and I love it!

I didn't have as much success with the screen printing, but that didn't affect my fun at all. It was great to be with friends, and exhilarating to experiment with art. A wonderful day!

You can read more about this, and my other adventures, on my blog.

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!

If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2012 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.