Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
August 2012 Newsletter
Design Your Own Nature Quilt
Online September 21st

Image - red cardinal against gray trees
Isn't this a great quilt? Called Midwinter Visitor, it was made by Chris Staver in my "Design Your Own Nature Quilt" class.

In class we learned about using contrast to highlight a focal point. Chris used this to her advantage, making her background trees very subdued, and adding contrast to the foreground. In addition, she created a wonderful composition, placing her cardinal in the optimum location.

This is my favorite class to teach, because the students find they're able to do things they would have never thought possible. This is exhilarating for all of us!

You can join the excitement online starting September 21st. Enrollment is very limited. Find full details here.

Read a short excerpt from the class material. See other student results in the student gallery.

Blessings Underfoot

Nemours Childrens Hospital, in Orlando, FL will be the home of my latest quilt, Blessings Underfoot.
Image - yellow flowers on green background
I kinda love the title, since it reflects my hope that this piece will be a blessing to
those who see it. As well as the idea of looking for blessings in unexpected places. That's definitely helpful to me when I need a lift.

See more information and a detail shot here.
Or see it in progress on my blog.

Collaborate with Me

Image - cream stitching on brown background


Over the next few months, I'll be offering some of my more "interesting" UFOs to anyone who'd like to play with them. I'll mix things up, offering them alternately via my blog, newsletter, and Facebook page.

The first one is on my blog. Take a look if you think you might be interested.

Next Online Class

Design Your Own Nature Quilt
Class Info

Upcoming Events

- Melbourne, FL, May 19-August 18, Florida in Fabric exhibit
- .Jacksonville, FL, August 27, Design Your Own Nature Quilt class
- Orlando, FL, Sept. 8-9, Instant Art Quilt class, Design Your Own Nature Quilt class
-Clearwater, FL, Oct. 18-19, tentative
- Ft. Collins, CO, Oct. 27-28, Playing with Fabric lecture, Double Reverse Applique class
Full Teaching and Events Schedule
Art on Tour
New on Website
- Two new quilts in the Design Your Own Nature Quilt Student Gallery
- Blessings Underfoot
New on Blog

- Collaborate with Me
- Spiraling Strips (2)
- Commission quilt (2)
- Preparing to Play
- Driving in Florida "Snow"
Blog home

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Florida in Fabric Exhibit Winding Down

Image - Crotons quilt at Florida in Fabric exhibit
For those of you in the Melbourne, FL area, I hope you've had a chance to see the "Florida in Fabric" exhibit at the Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts. And also the companion exhibit of Yvonne Porcella's quilts. If not, you may want to hurry over, as the exhibit ends August 18th.

Full details
Left: My quilt, Crotons, on the title wall

What's New

1 - When cutting fat quarters, does your local quilt shop trim off the folded edge? Mine does. TheImage - colorful spiraln, they bag them up and sell them! Of course, I have to buy a bag every now and then, even though I never know how I'll use them.

2 - Have you noticed lately the home dec stores carrying decorative pillows that are one color, but with layers of fabric?

3 - Marry the two and you can sorta envision my idea for those little strips - only in wild colors. Mine probably won't be a pillow, though. Who knows. (You can see more on my blog.)

On a different note, the Design Your Own Nature Quilt Student Gallery now includes two new wonderful student quilts. Be sure to check them out.

I hope you're enjoying your own extraordinary quiltmaking adventures!


If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2012 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.