Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
November 2012 Newsletter

Sticky Fingers: Glued Collage
Online Class November 30th

I really enjoy workImage - blue-green abstract, glueding with glued collage, because it's extremely fast and fun! Once the design is composed, there's no need to quilt it, add a binding, etc. Plus, it's possible to work with tiny bits of fabric which are too small to easily sew.

You'll have a chance to learn the technique when the next class starts on November 30th. And since this class only involves two lessons, you can easily complete it before Christmas.

Cruciform #1, is an example of the technique. (My first glued collage. Way fun!)

See awesome student results here.
Find full class details here.

Winter Hills

Image - snow covered hills with corn stubs sticking up
Here's my latest quilt, "Winter Hills."

I did the sky FOUR different times, including one fix that involved taking apart the finished quilt! Geesh. A few problems, yes. But I'm happy with the result.

See more information and close up detail shots here. And check out my blog, to read all about the process.

An "Interesting" Project

Image - colorful paper and sheers
Sometimes my experimentation yields lovely quilts that I'm quite happy with. But other times, I get rather, uh ... interesting results. This was the case when I tried a faux chenille technique using painted newspaper.

I don't consider this a failure though. Just a "rough draft." As you can see, I got a cool effect when I burned the sheer edges. That will be worth revisiting.

Read more about my process here.

Next Online Class

Sticky Fingers: Glued Collage
Class Info

Upcoming Events
- Orlando, FL, November 5, Playing with Fabric lecture
- Pembroke Pines, Jan. 8-9, Color lecture, Design Your Own Nature Quilt
Full Teaching and Events Schedule
Art on Tour
New on Web site
- Winter Hills
New on Blog

- But What About that Blue?
- Colorful apples in Clearwater, FL
- "Good" ideas
- Fun Experiment with Mixed Results
- Winter Hills in-progress (3 more)
Blog home

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SAQA in Florida Exhibit

Image - SAQA in Florida flyer

My quilt, Ti Plants A-Glow-Glow, will soon be on display in Daytona Beach, FL, as part of the "SAQA in Florida" exhibit. This is a very competitive juried exhibit, so I'm delighted to have one of mine included. And I can't wait to see the other quilts!

"SAQA in Florida" will be on display November 6 - December 3 at the Peabody Auditorium. (See address at right.) There will be an artists' reception on the 10th, from 12:30 - 2:00, which I'm looking forward to attending. If you're in the area, I hope you can catch the reception or the exhibit!

What's New

As mentioned above, I've got several quilts traveling in November. Click on the Art on Tour link in the sidebar above to see where they'll be. And I'll be there some too. In addition to the Daytona Beach reception on November 10th, I plan to visit the World Quilt Show-FL on the 8th. I hope to see some of you there, as well.

I've also finished up a short article for Art Quilting Studios, winter edition. More on that next month.

I hope you're enjoying your own extraordinary quilt making adventures!


If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2012 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.