Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
December 2012 Newsletter

Sticky Fingers: Glued Collage
Plenty of Time to Join

Image - orange abstract glued collage
Although the current "Sticky Fingers" online class just started (on November 30th,) there's still plenty of time for you to participate. That's because this two lesson class is short and the technique is easy. Please join us!

I really enjoy working with glued collage, because it's extremely fast and fun! Once the design is composed, there's no need to quilt it, add a binding, etc. Plus, it's possible to work with tiny bits of fabric which are too small to easily sew.

Cruciform #2, above, is an example of the technique. I especially love the painted background, a technique that's included in the class lessons.

Awesome student results
Full class details

"Second Look" Article
in Art Quilting Studio

An article about two quilts that relate to one another. That was the assignment when I was asked to write for Art Quilting Studio magazine. I immediately knew which two quilts to feature, since one had inspired the other. Can you see it?

Image - orange berries against dark blue background
Ripening, 2008

Image - blue-green berries
Rhapsody in Blue Berries, 2009

At one point, when making "Ripening," the branches were bare. Even though the colorful berries were not yet present, I thought the white twigs were very striking against the dark blue. I knew I'd want to work with that idea in the future and it became the launching pad for "Rhapsody in Blue Berries."

Read the full article.

An Award!

Image - colorful croton leaves on dark blue backgroundI was delighted when my quilt, "Crotons," won Best Use of Color at World Quilt Show - Florida!

I do love learning about and using color. I think it makes such a difference. If you want to enhance your color skills, you may be interested in my free articles on the subject. Or my ebook, which can be downloaded.

- Pembroke -
Next Online Class

Sticky Fingers: Glued Collage
Class Info

Upcoming Events

- Pembroke Pines, FL, Jan. 9-10, Adventures in Color lecture, Design Your Own Nature Quilt class
- Destin, FL, Feb. 28-March 2, "At the Beach" retreat, Design Your Own Nature Quilt and Double Reverse Applique classes

Full Teaching and Events Schedule
Art on Tour
New on Website
- "Second Look" article
New on Blog

- Mountain Impressions
- Quilts on Tour
- Color and Creativity in Colorado
- "SAQA in Florida" exhibit (2)
- Resurrected UFO (2)
Blog home

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What's New

Image - medieval wall with setting sun
If you've been following me on my blog or FaceBook, you know that I've been giving away a few UFOs, (unfinished objects.) But, I do occasionally revisit these projects. Right now, I'm working on one that I started NINE years ago! But, I'm trying to work more loosely this time. Instead of patterns and fusible, I'm cutting by eye and using glue.

My in-progress quilt is shown at left. You'll find much more about it on my blog.

I hope you're enjoying your own extraordinary quilt making adventures, whether your projects are new or "vintage!"


If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2012 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.