Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
February 2013 Newsletter

Instant Art Quilt
Starting Online March 8th

Image - red abstract

Don't you love the quilt above? It's called "Windows" and it was made by Roxane Lessa, in an online Instant Art Quilt class. Her beautiful fabric produced dramatic results, and she wisely used only a few accent pieces to complete it.

Other students find their fabrics create wonderful backgrounds, but also lead them in new directions. Such was the case with Kathy Angel Lee, when she made "Swamp Trees," below. The subtle landscape feeling gave her the idea to play it up, but with very low contrast. These sheer trees were the perfect addition.

Image - ghostly trees highlight a subtle yellow and blue background

Whether a student's fabric yields dramatic results, or subtle ones, Instant Art Quilts are always impressive creations. The students learn to take advantage of the beauty of their fabrics, respond to them, and enhance them.

You can do the same when the next online class starts March 8th. Full class details.

Want to see more great student examples? Check out the student gallery.

More "Notes for a Friend"

Image - green collage with fucshia accent

"Notes for a Friend," numbers 4-6 are now complete. At only 5" x 7" these tiny pieces are going together quickly. (And providing me with lots of fun.)

These latest three are in spring colors of yellow-green, with accents of fucshia, turqouise, purple, and even a little orange.

I've enjoyed adding the hand stitching, which I think adds a nice bit of energy.

"Note for a Friend, #4" at left.


As with the first three, I'll be offering these either unframImage - green collage mounted on glass with frameed, or with a rather unique framing option. The photo below
showcases the framing. It's a piece of of glass which is framed, with the quilt mounted directly onto the glass. The wall color shows through, creating a very interesting effect.

Check the Notes for a Friend gallery. And see my continued work on these on my blog.

- Pembroke -
Next Online Class

March 8, 2013
Instant Art Quilt

Class Info

Upcoming Events

- Destin, FL, Feb. 28-March 2, "At the Beach" retreat, Design Your Own Nature Quilt and Double Reverse Applique classes
- Melbourne, FL, April 24, lecture

Full Teaching and Events Schedule
Art on Tour
- Paducah, KY, AQS Quilt Show, April 24-27
New on Website
Note for a Friend #4
New on Blog

- Problems = Improvements
- Paint as Sculpture
- When the Cable Guy disrupts the studio
- "ReDress: Upcycled Style"
- Note for a Friend, #4-6
Blog home

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Floral Improv: A New Class

Grab two fabrics that go together. Stack them and cut them into ovals. (By eye, please.) Cut away about one third of the top fabric, using a curved cut. Stack it back on top of the lower fabric and you've created a flower!Image - bright flowers made from oval shapes

Is that easy, or what? All the flowers above were made using a variation of this "Double Oval" technique. (Design Note: As you can see, they're all side views, which is almost always more interesting than the front view.)

This is just a taste of some of the fun and easy techniques we'll be using in my new class, "Floral Improv." In addition to flower construction, the class will also cover some design basics. Very important in figuring out where to place those blossoms!

I'm excited about the class, which I plan to have ready in May. If you'd like to receive advance notice of the class, use the subscription interface at right to add yourself to the list.

What's New

Image - colorful Croton leavesMy quilt, "Crotons," has been accepted into the AQS Quilt Show, in Paducah, KY. Yippee! I've never been to this mega show, but I sure am glad that my quilt gets to!

I'm just back from a teaching engagement in Destin, FL. It was a huge amount of fun and I'm SO proud of my students. They did FANTASTIC work! Watch my blog as I post photos of their results in the coming weeks.



If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2013 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.