Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
April 2013 Newsletter

Sticky Fingers
Starts May 3

Image - dark foliage seen against a sunset sky
Sunset over Gwalia, by Jan Patridge, is just one of the glued collages made in an online "Sticky Fingers" class.

This is a really fun class, because everything is glued onto an artist's canvas, rather than stitched. Which means you can work quickly, with tiny pieces of fabric. AND skip the quilting, binding, and sleeve addition. The speed of these pieces is addicting!

You can join in the fun when the next class starts May 3rd. See full details.


Ready for Some Spring?

Image - green abstract collage


Is spring overdue in your area? If so, you may appreciate the spring colors in the fresh new "Notes for a Friend, #5" and #6. (#5 shown at right.)

Or check out the entire "Notes for a Friend" gallery.

"Playing with Fabric" in Melbourne, FL

Image - red, black, and purple collage with unusual shape

The quilt at left is the result of an "extreme makeover," and it's just one of many quilts I'll be showing as part of my "Playing with Fabric" slide presentation on April 24th.

I'm very excited to be doing this for my home guild, Seaside Piecemakrs, in Melbourne, FL. Visitors are welcome, so if you're in the area, I hope you'll stop in and introduce yourself.

- Pembroke -
Next Online Class

May 3, 2013
Sticky Fingers

Class Info

Upcoming Events

- Melbourne, FL, April 24, lecture

Full Teaching and Events Schedule
Art on Tour
- Paducah, KY, AQS Quilt Show, April 24-27
New on Website

Note for a Friend #5
Note for a Friend #6

New on Blog

- Photo Inspiration (2 posts)
- Design Vistas
- Cropping for a Better Design
- Design in Destin
Blog home

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Photo Safari

Image - green palm fronds, close upOver the years, my art quilt buddies and I have enjoyed going on Photo Safaris. These are events during which we hunt for subjects and compositions that fit a preset list. Things like something ugly, something small, etc. The purpose is not really to get great photos, but rather to take the time to notice our surroundings and to pay attention to the composition of the photos.

The photo at right is one of my favorites from our outing. This time we went to a botanical garden, which yielded many beautiful images. I think it's really a better exercise if you go some place a little more urban, though. It's more challenging that way.

If you and your friends would like to go on a Photo Safari, I've added our list to the Learn with Ellen/Articles section of my website. Or, you can go directly to it.

What's New

Image - grey fabrics with pink accentsInstant Art Quilt is winding down, online, and the students have produced extraordinary work! Out of the Dark, at left, was made by Ann-Mari Franzen, who lives in Sweden. I think it's so wonderful to interact with students from all over the globe! (Ann-Mari taught me a new word, cerise. It means " moderate to dark red color .") I should have more finished IAQ photos for you soon.

Whew, life has been busy and stressful at my house! I find that it saps my creative energy. But, that's okay. Everything has a season and this is mine, for now. However, as a result I'll need to delay my new "Floral Improv" class. I hope to get back to preparing for that before too long.

Enjoy your creativity!



If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2013 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.