Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
September 2013 Newsletter
Design Your Own Nature Quilt Class
Starting September 6th

Step One: Find some inspiration

Image - lily pads

Step Two: Practice some design skills

Image - seesaw

Step Three: Sketch the design

Image - lily pond sketch

Step Four: Construct your own original quilt!

Image - Cherie Brown Water Garden quilt

Easier said than done, right? Well, yeah, I know the process can be intimidating. But, just like Cherie Brown, whose work is shown above, you CAN do it - simply by tackling the process one step at a time.

If you enroll in "Design Your Own Nature Quilt," I will consistently ask you to do things that may be slightly outside your comfort zone.  But, with your artistic courage firmly in hand, I'll help you handle each one.  That success will give you the courage to try the next thing, and the one after that.  By the end of the class (Part One,) you will have mastered many useful design concepts that will serve you well, as you make your own original art quilts. It's exhilarating!

Class starts September 6th. Find full class details here.

Also see an excerpt from lesson one, and the student gallery of quilts.

A big thank you to Cherie Brown for allowing me to show her quilt, "Water Garden," as well as a little bit of her process.

Next Online Class

September 6th
Design Your Own
Nature Quilt

Class Info

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- Berries, Thorns, and Contrast
- Thorny Palm Underway
- Starting in Left Gear
- NYC: New Sights
- NYC Art: Not Always What You'd Expect
- NYC: Korea Town and Chelsea Market
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Permanent Marker AFTER Quilting

Yikes, I had to work up some courage for that task! My current quilt needed a little more contrast, but it was very late in the construction process. What could I do? After auditioning a few ideas, I ended up drawing directly onto the quilt with a black permanent marker!

Image - green stalks, yellow berries on purple background

Whew. That did the trick, and I was able to exhale.

You can read much more about the design and construction of this quilt on my blog.

SAQA Quilt Auction


June Bugs in the Roses - Rebecca DouglasMy Tern - Martha Wolfe
Want to add to your art quilt collection? If so, SAQA's upcoming online auction is the perfect opportunity!

Beginning September 9th, these 12" x 12" quilts will be auctioned online, to raise funds for SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates.) There must be a couple hundred to choose from! Check 'em out!

At left, June Bugs in the Roses, by Rebecca Douglas
At right, My Tern, by Martha Wolfe


Let's Surf

I love to visit art quilt websites and blogs. They include the most interesting and beautiful things! I think you'll enjoy some of my recent favorites.

Image - Ruth de Vos Eucalyptus Spectacular art quiltRuth de Vos makes extraordinary pieced quilts featuring foliage or children. You MUST check out her blog! Her photography of quilts, her children, and every day life will make you look at things in a new perspective.
(Eucalyptus Spectacular shown at right.)

Jenny Bowker posted on her blog about the wonderful "100 - Celebrating Canberra" art quilt exhibit featuring the work of a group called tACTile. What a talented group! Their artwork is extremely engaging and diverse.

What's not to love about Melody Johnson's colorful quilts? I enjoy reading her blog, too, which includes stories of life in rural Tennessee with 2 dogs and a project-happy husband.

Fair warning: these sites should keep you busy for a while.


What's New

Image - sunset from train

My family recently took a short trip to New York city. As always, that included quite a few fun activities, as well as some rather unique ones. But, the highlight was our train trip home. An overnight train with tiny sleeping compartments was both an adventure and a catalyst for relaxing family fun. We watched the scenery go by and captured this fantastic sunset.

See more photos from our trip on my blog.



If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2013 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.