Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
December 2013 Newsletter
Double Reverse Applique
Online January 3rd

Ellen Lindner - class sample Double Reverse AppliqueAfter a busy holiday season, why not enjoy the fun of learning a new quilting technique, all from the comfort of home? Double Reverse Applique is not only easy, but extremely useful and versatile.

In this class you'll:
- Master the the Double Reverse Applique technique,
- Make the killer apple project shown at left,
- And learn how to make your own patterns for future DRA projects.

Join the excitement on January 3rd!

See student results and full information.

Art Reception in My Home

Since many of quilts depict local foliage, some of it photographed in the yards of my neighbors, I decided I should invite them to see what I was up to. So, I hosted an open house style art reception, calling it "Around the Neighborhood." I hung an abundance of quilts throughout my home, each one with a sign which included the inspiration photo or some other interesting information. A postcard invitation and some light refreshments rounded out my preparations.

Ellen Lindner - Two art quilts depicting Japanese Ti plants

Ellen Lindner discussing red fabrics hung for inspiration


And it was a big success! Those who came had never seen quilts as art before and they were very complimentary about my art and completely enthralled with the process. I included some in-progress pieces and they thought this was very interesting. They even got excited about the fabric swatches hanging as inspiration for a future project!


Ellen Lindner explaining "When Crotons Cut Loose"

My visitors asked lots of questions and stayed quite a while. I talked and talked, one of my favorite activities. AND, because these neighbors tended to know one another, it was all very social. Great fun, and (I hope,) a successful marketing event.

I think I'll definitely repeat this sort of thing in the future.

I've included many more photos and several posts about this event on my blog.

Next Online Class

January 3rd
Double Reverse Applique

Class Info

New on Website

New on Blog

- Houston Quilts: Oh My!
- More Houston Quilts
- Captivating Colorado
- Still More Quilts from Festival
- Yes, More Quilt Photos
- "Around the Neighborhood" Art Reception

- "Around the Neighborhood" Home Gallery
- "Around the Neighborhood" studio conversion
- Hanging Quilts with No Nails
- Houston Vendors: Oh My
Blog home

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Croton Leaves,
for SAQA Trunk Show

Ellen Lindner - Croton Leaves

This tiny quilt, Croton Leaves, is only 10" x 7", and it's my contribution to the upcoming SAQA Trunk show. The trunk show is designed to showcase what's going on in the world of art quilts. SAQA members are asked to make these petite quilts, which are then put into traveling collections and sent all around the country.

Artists are asked to make the quilts in their usual style. I found that to be rather challenging. But, I eventually decided I could deviate from my usual fabrics, and use some striped ones to represent the veins. Once I did that, it all became a fun puzzle.You might have noticed that crotons are one of my favorite plants to represent, so the subject matter and the bright colors are definitely consistent with the rest of my quilts.

You can see ALL 268 quilts from the last trunk show on the SAQA website.


Houston Quilt Festival!

Melissa Sobotka Best of Show Houston Intl Quilt Festival 2014
I went to the Houston International Quilt Festival and it was SO awesome!!! Some of my personal highlights included:
- Sharing a room with a stranger (and getting to know her,)
- Seeing amazing quilts!
- Having lunch with a childhood friend whom I had not seen in about 40 years!
- Enjoying the adrenalin surge of shopping in the midst of new products and beautiful displays,
- Time spent with old friends and time spent making new ones.
It was all exhilarating!

As you can imagine, the quilts were extraordinary. "Best of Show" went to Melissa Sobotka for her quilt, Chihuly's Gondola, shown above. Amazing, right?

To see more Houston excitement check out the posts I added to my blog. And view ALL the winners in the IAQ judged show here! (Click on each image for a larger view.)

What's New

Image - Ellen Lindner Pinterest Favorite Quilts
Do you know about pinterest.com? It's an online bulletin board. Joining is free and members can create "boards" on various topics and then "pin" images from anywhere on the internet. It's a fun way to remember recipes, your Christmas wish list, or, in my case, favorite quilts. Of course, you can also see what everyone else is pinning and that can get quite addicting!

I've got several boards and I hope you'll check them out. You might want to start with the one showing some of my favorite quilts. (Not ones I made, though.)

As we rush through this busy time of year, I hope you'll be able to look past your task list and enjoy the blessings of each holiday you celebrate.


If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2013 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.