Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
February 2014 Newsletter
Instant Art Quilt
Starting Online February 28th

Do you own a piece of hand dyed fabric that's too gorgeous to use? If so, this class teaches you how to tear into it, literally, creating an "Instant Art Quilt" in the process. You'll end up with your own unique, and fabulous, quilt!

Fertile Ground, an art quilt by Marilu Schwetz-Benton - student of Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com
Like Fertile Ground, above, made by Marilu Schwetz-Benton . Isn't it magnificent?

Check out the student gallery to see many wonderful examples. Full class details.

"Garden of Restfulness," reworked

Garden of Restfulness, a glued fabric collage by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com
Every now and then, I have a piece that I later decide to rework. Such was the case with the glued collage, at right. Called Garden of Restfulness, I originally completed it in 2012.

I decided to strengthen the focal point. I did so by adding some new fabric pieces, along with some stronger colors.

Here's some more info about Garden of Restfulness::
- Blog post about the transformation
- Detail shot
- Purchase info, ($125,) Learn about auditioning it in your home

Itching to Teach

Ellen Lindner teaching a class, adventurequilter.com

Gee, I love to teach! I REALLY enjoy it when a student masters something new. It's exhilarating for both of us!

(Me, in action, at left)


Marcia having fun in a Double Reverse Applique class, taught by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com
Marcia having fun in a
Double Reverse Applique class


Harriettes wonderful quilt, created in Design Your Own Nature quilt,  taught by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com
Harriette's wonderful quilt created in a
Design Your Own Nature Quilt class

If you've been reading my newsletter for a while, you know I cut back on my teaching schedule last year in order to accommodate my husband's illness. Now, he's doing much better, and I'm itching to get out and do some more teaching. I'll be limiting my travel to the state of Florida for this year and next, but I can generally come on short notice.

Laney at work in a Design Your Own Nature Quilt class, taught by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com
Laney making great progress in a
Design Your Own Nature Quilt class
Cass showing off her Design Your Own Nature Quilt project,taught by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com
Cass showing off her in-progress quilt in
Design Your Own Nature Quilt class

The photos above give you a glimpse of my students' amazing results. Not to mention the fun we all have!

You'll find a full description of my classes and workshops here. If you belong to a Florida quilt group, please spread the word. I'd love to meet you and teach for your group! Send me an email, if you'd like to get the ball rolling.

Next Online Class

Instant Art Quilt
February 28th

Class Info

Upcoming Events

- Feb. 25 & 26, Lecture and workshop, Sun City Center, FL
- March 7 & 8, Color lecture at Timeless Treasures Quilt Show, Melbourne, FL

Full Teaching and Events
Click here
Art on Tour
New on Website

Garden of Restfulness

New on Blog

- 2013: Counting Blessings
- Backgrounds by Design
- More Croton Leaves
- One Thing Leads to Another
- The Need for Blobs and Black
- Tweaking
- The Value of Working Slowly
- It Just Had to be Done

Blog home

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Ellen Lindner - Adventure Quilter

March 7th & 8th
Free Color Lecture &
Quilt Show in Melbourne, FL

Color wheel showing expanded complementary - courtesy of Ellen Lindner, adventurequilter.com

On March 7th and 8th my local quilt guild will host the "Timeless Treasures" quilt show in Melbourne, FL. It's always an excellent show with over 300 quilts, free demonstrations, wonderful vendors, and special exhibits.

I'll be doing my part at noon each day when I conduct a lecture called "Color Matters.". Even though color is a huge topic, I'll be able to share lots of useful information in the 30 minute time slot. I hope to see you there!

Dirty Dozen Fiber Artists "Perspective" Exhibit

Caring, a fabric collage by Ellen Lindner, adventurequilter.com

I'm very fortunate to belong to a small art group called Dirty Dozen
Fiber Artists. The members are full of both creativity and enthusiasm.
They make dolls, jewelry, journal books, and of course, quilts.

Those lucky enough to attend the Melbourne, FL quilt show will also
get to see a special Dirty Dozen exhibit, called Perspective. We're
working hard to make it an exciting and diverse display. Check out
the exhibit on the stage.

(My piece, Caring, at right.)

What's New

Shattered Faces (partial,) an art quilt by Kathryn Fox

I've recently visited a big regional show, entered five others, and will be helping with two more. Yep, it's springtime in Florida. (We don't actually have winter doncha know.) Don't you love visiting a show? From quilts to vendors, to friends, I find it to be one big delightful adrenalin surge! I can't wait for the next one!

At left is my favorite photo from the World Quilt - Florida show, held in West Palm Beach, FL. It's a partial view of Shattered Faces, by Kathryn Fox. She's used a wide variety of fabrics to represent the face, plus there's lots of "messy" stitching that adds to it. Awesome. And BIG, at about 6-7 feet tall. I'll be posting more on my blog about this show, so watch for that.

Find out about many other Florida quilt shows and related events here.

I'm enjoying my quilting adventure, and I hope you are as well!
Ellen Lindner

If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2014 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.