Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
April 2014 Newsletter
"Garden Party"

I had great fun making my latest quilt, Garden Party. You know how you labor over some pieces, but others come together easily? This one falls into the last category.

Garden Party, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

I started it as a quick demonstration for some teenagers I'm teaching. That loose quality carried throughout and is part of what I love about it.

Late in the process I decided it needed a little black. So, I added the stitched curly-Qs and little black dots. I have no idea what they represent but I like them!

You can see a detail shot here, as well as in-progress photos on my blog.

Available for purchase, $295

Great Student Work!

I love it when my inbox includes photos of my students' finished projects! Here's another great one from Jackie Whitehead.

Michael, an art quilt by Jackie Whitehead, student of Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

She designed the pattern herself, after learning the techniques in my Double Reverse Applique class. Called "Michael," it's a portrait of her son. Didn't she do a fantastic job?

See more Double Reverse Applique student results in the Student Gallery.

BTW, my students consistently amaze me. So, I've started a Pinterest board featuring their work. It's called "What My Students Can Do."

Looking Forward to Teaching

Judy pondering in Design Your Own Nature Quilt class taught by Ellen Lindner, adventurequilter.com

Now that I'm available for teaching and traveling again, the offers have started to come in. I'm so excited!

I have a variety of classes and lectures: something for any group.

Some classes, like Design Your Own Nature Quilt, require lots of thought and consideration. As demonstrated by Judy, at left. (You might even need a little courage!)

Other classes, like the color workshop, cover very useful basics.

Learning about complementary colors in a class with Ellen Lindner, adventurequilter.com
It's amazing what wonderful things can be created with just a few paint chips! Like the complementary colors shown on this workbook page. Dramatic, right?

Of course, with most any class, a big stash of great fabrics is definitely a plus!

Steph's fabric stash in Design Your Own Nature Quilt class with Ellen Lindner, adventurequilter.com
(Don't you want a suitcase like this?)

There's a description of my classes and workshops here. For now, I'm limiting my travels to the state of Florida. I'd love to meet you and teach for your group in the sunshine state!

Next Online Class

Early June
Something new!

Upcoming Events

- April 11-13, Spring Art Show, Titusville, FL
- May 24 - August 23, Florida in Fabric II, Melbourne, FL

Art on Tour
New on Website

Garden Party

New on Blog

- "Red Strata" Finished - I Think
- Quilt Show Favorites
- Quilt Show: Dolls and Ribbons
- A Necklace of Bobbins and Beads
- Prepping to be a Vendor
- Tags That Tell a Story
- "Garden Party"
- EGAD in Bloom

Blog home

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Ellen Lindner - Adventure Quilter

Art Show in Titusville, FL

I'm at it again: trying something new. This time it's a mixed media art show about an hour from my home. The show is simply called Titusville Art League's Spring Art Show, and it runs April 11-13. There's a category that includes fiber, so I'm entering these two pieces.

Crisscross, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com - wall hanging

High Ti
High Ti, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com - wall hanging

This year’s venue is the Police Hall of Fame.  It's a nice setting, and admission to both the exhibit and the Hall of Fame is free. 

Full info here

What's New


Ellen Lindner working in her booth.  AdventureQuilter.comRecently, I was a vendor at a street festival which featured flowers and gardens. Although it was a lot of work, I think it was a very successful marketing endeavor. I talked with LOTS of people who had never seen fabric as art, handed out plenty of business cards, and signed up a bunch of people for my newsletter. (Welcome y'all.)

Part of the fun was creating three new "Notes for a Friend" with the help of passersby. I let them pick fabrics and then I incorporated them into the day's composition. They had fun rooting through my scraps and I greatly enjoyed the collaboration.

Check out my blog for a recap of the event, along with lots of photos.

I hope you Northerners are finally feeling the first glimmer of spring and that it will give you a spring in your creative step!

Enjoying the adventure - as always,
Ellen Lindner

If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2014 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.