Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
May 2014 Newsletter
Kick Off the Summer
by Expanding Your Artistic Skills

Would you like to learn how to compose a design? Create and control a focal point? These are just some of the things you'll learn in the Design Your Own Nature Quilt online class.

In fact, you'll gain enough knowledge and skill to make a unique design using your own photo as an inspiration source. It doesn't get much more exciting than that!

This is my favorite class to teach, because the students find they're able to do things they would have never thought possible. This is exhilarating for all of us!

Summer Splendor by Barbara Fyffe, below, is a perfect example of the wonderful things that happen in class. Isn't it fantastic? Great colors, composition, contrast, and drama! But, with a minimum of distracting details.

Barbara Fyffe finished quilt, created in class taught by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

Now, check out Barbara's inspiration photo. You can definitely see the same ideas at play, but look at the compositional changes she made. They include:
background trees omitted, background buildings omitted, major cropping, and improved arrangement of key items.

Barbara Fyffe inspiration photo used in class taught by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

(And I haven't even touched on the changes made to color, contrast, and "looseness.") Exciting stuff!

Read a short excerpt from the class material. See other student results in the student gallery.

Part One starts May 30th and class enrollment is very limited. Find full details here.

(I recently sold the class sample for this class, so I'll be working right along with my students to create another one. I'm excited about selecting a photo, choosing fabrics, and getting to work!)

Great Student Work!

This is Gardener's Delight, by Barb Gardner. She created is a result of participation in an online Design Your Own Nature Quilt class.

Gardeners Delight by Barb Gardner, created in a class with Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

Like Barbara Fyffe, Barb did ana excellent job of being "inspired by her photo, rather than controlled by it." She combined the best aspects of several photos to come up with this fabulous quilt.

See more of Barb's process in this blog post. It shows original photos, her sketches, and more.

Ebooks Coming to a Mailbox Near You!

What's flat and round and loaded with learning? An ebook on CD!

Ebooks by Ellen Lindner, www.AdventureQuilter.com

"Adventures in Color" teaches you how to master the power of color. All your future quilts will benefit from your enhanced skills!
Full ebook details
Adventures in Color sample pages

"Double Reverse Applique" is a really useful technique. The killer apple project teaches you the ins and out and you'll also learn to make your own patterns.
Full ebook details
DRA ebook sample

Designed as "Personal Workshops," each ebook is filled with instructions and exercises to help you master your subject. CDs are mailed directly to your (United States) address. Contact Ellen for international shipping options

Next Online Class
Upcoming Events

- May 24 - August 23, Florida in Fabric II, Melbourne, FL

Art on Tour
New on Blog

- EGAD in Bloom
- Revamping a Shirt
- Titusville, FL Spring Art Show
- Champagne Brunch and Tablescapes
- Teaching in Sun City Center (2)
- Dying Eggs with Onion Skins
- Blue Tape and Blue Ribbons
- Student Work: "A Gardener's Delight"

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Ellen Lindner - Adventure Quilter

Five Projects at Once
Peggy's Garden in-progress, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner, www.AdventureQuilter.com

Right now I have five projects under way. This is VERY unusual for me.

Notes for a Friend series in-progress, art quilts by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

I generally don't allow myself to start something new until the previous piece is completed. But, I recently started three pieces at once.

Notes for a Friend series in-progress, art quilts by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

Then, they had to go on the back burner while I worked on a commission and a gift. There you go: 5!

Notes for a Friend series in-progress, art quilts by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

I'm enjoying all of this creative activity! I'm writing about it on my blog, so you can follow along if you'd like.

What's New


High Ti, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com


I've had a busy and wonderful month. I sold NINE quilts, had a successful first-vending experience, and won a blue ribbon in my first ever art show!

Nearly all of those quilt sales were directly from my web site. I'm really happy with that, since I know online art purchases can be a little scary. That's why I offer a 14 day home audition period. (I've never had one returned, though. Instead, I consistently get comments about how much better the quilts look in person. Isn't that nice?)

Have you been considering a quilt purchase? If so, check out the gallery and follow the image links for pricing, etc. Most pages link directly to an easy Pay Pal interface.




Eggs dyed with onion skins by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.comI had some wacky fun recently, dying eggs with onion skins. They turned out really cool! You can read about them, and many other adventures on my blog.

I hope you're enjoying your own quilt adventures.

Ellen Lindner

If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2013 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.