Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
July 2014 Newsletter
Sticky Fingers: Poppy Power
Coming Soon

I'm really excited about the new project for my Sticky Fingers class: Poppy Power. Love the hot colors and the energy of the flowers!

White Poppies - a glued collage, class project for Sticky Fingers with Ellen Lindner

It was great fun to make this class sample. (Well, except for one major "learning opportunity.") These glued collages go together so quickly. I've also completed the pattern. Now, I just have to update the lesson content and I'll be ready to offer this online. Watch for it very soon!

In the meantime, you can sign up for advance notice about this class using the subscription interface at right.

A Garden for Peggy

For her 80th birthday my mother-in-law asked for a small floral quilt. She left the design and color selection completely up to me. This is the result, called A Garden for Peggy.

A Garden for Peggy, a small art quilt by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

She loves it and so do I.

You can see how it came together on my blog.

Next Online Class
Upcoming Events

- May 24 - August 23, Florida in Fabric II, Melbourne, FL
Sept. 12-13, Design Your Own Nature Quilt (2 day,) Playing with Fabric lecture, Mt. Dora, FL

Full Schedule
Click here
Art on Tour
New on Web site

White Poppies
Notes for a Friend #10-12

New on Blog

- A Garden for Peggy
- Korean Folk Museum (2)
- Seoul's Subway
- Notes for a Friend, #10-12
- Everyday Details in Korea
- How NOT to Make a Glued Collage
- A Visit to Church in Seoul
- What do Do with an Ugly Quilt

Blog home

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Ellen Lindner - Adventure Quilter

What's New

Oh, I love to teach! I'm having fun with my current online class, Design Your Own Nature Quilt. The students are finishing up the sketches for their original quilts. (Even though most of them haven't sketched before.) They're also pulling out fabric and ebooks by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.comgetting ready to apply everything they've learned. Very exciting!

I've been getting excellent feedback on my ebooks: one on color and one with that killer apple project. You can have them delivered right to your mailbox. Find details here.

If you live near Melbourne, FL, don't forget about the current "Florida in Fabric II" exhibit at the Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts. It's an excellent exhibit and it's free!

Big news: now you can subscribe to my blog. If you sign up, each post will come directly to your email inbox. I think this is pretty daggone spiffy! To subscribe, just go to my blog and use the subscription box at the top right.

I hope you're enjoying your adventures!

Ellen Lindner
P. S. Here's a floral online exhibit for you to enjoy. It's called "Bloomers" and my quilt, Crotons, is included.


If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2014 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.