Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
August 2014 Newsletter
Let's Make Some Poppies!
Sticky Fingers: Poppy Power
Starting August 29th

While learning the fast and easy technique of glued fabric collage, you'll make this awesome poppy duet.

White Poppies - a glued collage, class project for Sticky Fingers with Ellen Lindner

We'll get started on August 29th. Find full class details here.

Summer in the South

Here's my finished Crepe Myrtle quilt, "Summer in the South."

Summer in the South, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

It was fun deciding where to be accurate and where I could literally "cut loose." I'm quite happy with the result!

You can see a detail shot and additional information here.

In Progress: Notes 14-17

A while back, I got started on four new "Notes for a Friend," I starte with an ugly quilt, cutting it up to serve as the background for the four pieces. (A much better use, trust me.)

Note for a Friend #15 - detail, by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

Although I haven't added them to my website yet, I have actually finished them. Here's a detail shot of Number 15. I'll show you the full collection next month.

Next Online Class
Upcoming Events
- May 24 - August 23, Florida in Fabric II, Melbourne, FL
Sept. 12-13, Design Your Own Nature Quilt (2 day,) Playing with Fabric lecture, Mt. Dora, FL
Full Schedule
Art on Tour
New on Blog

- Patriotic Poppies?
- It Used to Be His Bedroom
- Under-the-Bed Quilt Storage
- Mine Turned Green
- Let Me Take Your Picture
Blog home

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Ellen Lindner - Adventure Quilter

What's New

Ellen Lindner's photo set up, AdventureQuilter.com/blog
Life is full of successes and failures rough drafts. Since I like to experiment and try new things, I have plenty of the latter. And this month was no exception.

For instance, what do you get when you combine a great photo set up with a point and shoot camera? Blurry pictures, that's what.

On the other hand, I seem to have a fair amount of beginner's luck. It showed up, again, when I tried painting something sorta realistic. That was great fun!

Ellen Lindner's painting experiment, AdventureQuilter.com/blog
You can read about these adventures and many more on my blog.

I hope you're embracing the adventures around you and recognizing your "rough drafts" as necessary events. What's the saying? "If you never fail, you're not experimenting enough." Yep!

Ellen Lindner

If you never fail,
you're not experimenting enough

If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and
e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2014 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen


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©2012 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen