Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
October 2014 Newsletter
Great Class in Lake Mary

A happy student in Ellen Lindner's "Design Your Own Nature Quilt" class.  AdventureQuilter.comI recently taught "Design Your Own Nature Quilt" in Lake Mary, FL, and the students created amazing work!

I think you can see Lynn's pride and excitement as she shows off her finished quilt, at right. Isn't it awesome? In the two day class, she even had time to face it. It just needs a sleeve, and a label.

But that's not the most wonderful part. The true excitement lies with the skills and confidence Lynn and her classmates developed. None of them had ever designed a quilt before. But, they learned some design principles, referenced their own photos for inspiration, implemented some speedy construction techniques, and produced great results! Kudos to this fantastic group of students! (See more finished pieces in the Student Gallery.)

Teaching this class is exhilarating! I love it! More photos here.

Would you like me to come to your Florida or South Georgia guild to teach this class? Find more information here.

Or get advance notification about the next time I teach it online.

"Dancing Toward the Sun"
and Maybe a New Class

Dancing Toward the Sun, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner. AdventureQuilter.com


I've been pretty productive this past month. First, I designed and constructed "Dancing Toward the Sun." This very stylized design is not my usual thing, but I really enjoyed it. The little plant seems very joyful to me as it sways and shimmies toward the sun.

Detail shot and purchase information here.

I tried some faster techniques on this and had good success with them. As a result, this quilt was designed and constructed in about a week.

That was so much fun I'm thinking about using this as the basis for a new class. Perhaps I'd call it "New Growth." That would be appropriate to the happy little sprout and would also give a nod to the new techniques I'd be teaching. Watch for more info.


Full Schedule
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Art on Tour
New on Web site

- Dancing Towards the Sun
4 New Notes for a Friend
- Ti Party
- New student quilts in "Design Your Own Nature Quilt" gallery

New on Blog

- Notes for a Friend #14-17
- Piecing Batting Together
- Working Loosely with Paper Collages
- In a Different Style
- Black and White and Fused All Over (2 Parts)
- "Dancing Toward the Sun"

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Ellen Lindner - Adventure Quilter

Notes for a Friend #14-17

Note for a Friend #15, by Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.com


I finally got around to photographing the four latest pieces in my "Notes for Friend" series.

This time, I started with backgrounds cut from an unsuccessful quilt. That gave me very interesting starting points, and lots of texture.

Note #15 is shown at right. See the entire set at the bottom of this gallery page. Purchase information can be found with available pieces.

"Ti Party"

Ti Party, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.com

This little art quilt was very spontaneous and lots of fun. It started as a torn paper collage. I liked the results so much I decided to create it in fabric."Ti Party" is the result. What do you think?

Why make a torn paper collage? It's an exercise I like to show the students in my "Design Your Own Nature Quilt" class. I decided to create another sample for my recent class, and that got my creative juices flowing!

See the paper collage on my blog.

Detail shot and purchase information here.

What's New

Ellen Lindner shows how to sew batting pieces together.  AdventureQuilter.com/blog

What do you do when you run out of large batting pieces late at night? Seam small pieces together! Yes! I show how on my blog.

Plus, I guess I use my blog as one big show-and-tell. I love to show my work in progress, including my mistakes. (Like the problem I recently had with bleeding dye.) If you haven't checked it out lately, I hope you will. You can even subscribe.


Ellen Lindner with her art quilt, Crotons.  AdventureQuilter.com


Many of my quilts have been on the road lately. While away, Crotons won an Honorable Mention at QuiltFest, in Jacksonville, FL. That one was close enough to visit, which is always fun.

Be sure to check out the two new student pieces added to the Design Your Own Nature Quilt gallery. And, see more photos of the Lake Mary class on my blog.

I hope you're enjoying your own quilt adventures!

Ellen Lindner

If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2014 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.