Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
January 2015 Newsletter
"Grow with the Flow"
Online Class January 23rd

Class sample for "Grow with the Flow" class by Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.com

Join me online on January 23rd, for my first online "Grow with the Flow" class. The project sample is shown at left. I call it "Dancing with Delight" and I love the tall skinny proportions, (46 x 18)

This class will be fun and easy with lots of "growth." (Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun.)

We'll go with the flow and do some free rotary cutting for the background. SO easy and fast! And we'll do some "Fussy Fusing" for the plant. It's a technique for fusing lots of small pieces of fabric into one larger shape. Also easy and fast. Finally, you'll learn how to face your quilts. One of my favorite techniques.

Find full class details here.


Carefree, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.com


I'm kinda in love with my latest quilt, Carefree.

My goal was to capture the carefree nature of these couins as they skipped along. I think I succeeded, and that's my favorite thing about the quilt.

Plus, I love the way fabric collage has really set off the three people. They are my son and two nieces, so it's sentimental for me, as well. Especially since the inspiration photo was taken on my parents' farm, where I grew up.



Carefree- detail, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.com

The background is digitally printed fabric. I'm happy with the way the two techniques worked together.

At 51" x 33.5", it's fairly good sized. And I have the perfect spot for it!

That is, once it returns from the World Quilt Show Florida, in West Palm Beach, FL. I can't wait to see it hanging there!

I've shown the progress of this quilt pretty thoroughly on my blog, if you're interested.

Next Online Class

Grow with the Flow
Debuts January 23, 2015

Upcoming Events

- January 16, Trunk show, Melbourne, FL
- February 9-10, retreat classes, Sebring, FL

Full Schedule
Click here
Art on Tour
New on Web site


New on Blog

- Collaged Hair and Such
- How Much Purple?
- Deconstructed Screen Printing
- What Color is Skin?
- "Carefree" Complete
- Gift Wrap and Other Christmas Blessings
- Grow with the Flow Debut Class a Hit
- Grow with the Flow Results
- Merry Christmas
- More Grow with the Flow Quilts

Blog home

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Ellen Lindner - Adventure Quilter

Trunk Show in Melbourne, FL

On January 16th, I get to talk about my quilts: one of my favorite things to do! I'll be doing a trunk show in Melbourne, FL and visitors are welcome. The fun starts at 9:30 A.M. Contact Debby for directions.

First "Grow with the Flow" Class a Hit

I was REALLY pleased with the first (live) "Grow with the Flow" class! ALL of the 19 women completed the bulk of their quilts in class, wiith only the facing remaining for home work. And it was tons of fun, to boot!
Carma with her "Grow with the Flow" quilt.  Class taught by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com
Sandy with her "Grow with the Flow" quilt.  Class taught by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

Although everyone used the same pattern, there was lots of variety in the room. As examples, Carma's hot colors, above left, and Sandy's cool ones, above right. They were delighted with their results, as were the other students. (Note: these quilts were completely quilted and trimmed during class time.)

I'd love to teach this class for your Florida guild. Find full details here.

Studio to Gallery Conference

Informative workshops

Expert speaker


LOTS of networking

AND an art quilt show

You'll find all this and more at the May Studio to Gallery conference, in Melbourne, FL. What more could you want? Find all the details on the website.

What's New

Summer in the South, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.com

It's spring in Florida and that means quilt shows! I'm really looking forward to attending the World Quilt Show - FL in West Palm this month. I'll have two quilts on display there: Carefree, and Summer in the the South, shown at right.

During the holidays I decided to pull out some UFOs (unfinished objects) in search of a project. I found them, and have worked on several things. (Some of them in very new and unexpected ways.) I love to experiment, though. I find that it really amps up my creativity.

"Santa" brought me a mega camera for Christmas, so I'm also learning how to use all some of the bells and whistles. Better photos coming soon!

I hope you will have a very wonderful new year of quilting adventures.

Ellen Lindner


If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2014 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.