Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
May 2015 Newsletter
Use the Summer to Expand Your Artistic Skills

Would you like to learn how to compose a design? Create and control a focal point? These are just some of the things you'll learn in the Design Your Own Nature Quilt online class.

In fact, you'll gain enough knowledge and skill to make a unique design using your own photo as an inspiration source. It doesn't get much more exciting than that!

This is my favorite class to teach, because the students find they're able to do things they would have never thought possible. This is exhilarating for all of us!

Georgie's Garden by Susan Cornell, below, is a perfect example of the wonderful things that happen in class. Isn't it fantastic? Great colors, composition, contrast, and drama!

Georgie's Garden, by Susan Cornell.  Made in a class taught by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

Now, check out Susan's inspiration photo. It included colorful flowers, an old fence and a meadow beyond. But, it was pretty busy and overly detailed for fabric collage. No worries. Susan learned the value of zomming, editing, and cropping! She zoomed WAY in on the flowers, removing much of the busy foliage. She kept the interesting fence and added mountains in the background. What great work!

Student's inspiration photo in Ellen Lindner class.  AdventureQuilter.com

(And I haven't even touched on the changes made to color, contrast, and "looseness.") Exciting stuff!

Read a short excerpt from the class material. See other student results in the student gallery.

Part One starts June 26th and class enrollment is very limited. Find full details here.

Oak Green Farm

My quilt, Oak Green Farm, is finally finished. It's very special to me because it's inspired by the farm where I grew up. (And where my parents still live.)

Oak Green Farm, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.com

You'll find several in-progress blog posts about this quilt, as well as a detail shot here.

Southern Accents
Art Quilt Show, Melbourne, FL

If you live near Melbourne, FL, you'll definitely want to check out Southern Accents at the Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts, on the campus of Florida Institute of Technology.

I have two quilts in the show, which runs May 16 - August 22. Crisscross was accepted into the juried show.

Crisscross, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.com

Crotons was requested for the invitational portion of the show.

Crotons, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.com

I can't wait for the opening! Won't that be fun?

On May 16th, the juror, Sandra Sider, will give a gallery talk at 1 PM. It should be very interesting. And you'll get a good view of the art flags as you walk from the parking lot to the building. Hope to see you there!

Next Online Class
Happening Soon

- May 15- Aug. 22, Southern Accents art quilt exhibit, Melbourne, FL
- May 19-20, lecture and class, Boca Raton, FL

Full Schedule
Click here
Art on Tour
New on Web Site
- Oak Green Farm
The Road Less Traveled,
a new student quilt
New on Blog

- As I Watch in Wonder
Farm Quilt: Creating Fields
- Farm Quilt: Adding Barns and Making MORE Changes
- Anyone Want a Victorian House?
- My View: Messy Studio Table
- Fabric in the Mail

Blog home

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Ellen Lindner - Adventure Quilter

Fun in Mt. Dora

Made in Double Reverse Applique class taught by Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.com Made in Instant Art Quilt class taught by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.comI always have lots of fun teaching and a recent visit with the Lake County Quilters Guild was no exception. I kept those ladies busy and they produced wonderful results.

The Instant Art Quilt class (left) saw most quilts being quilted by the end of the 3 hour class! How's that for instant?

In Double Reverse Applique, everyone finished an apple and several got started on a coordinating pear. Although my sample apple is red, I always encourage the students to do their own thing. Isn't this green apple a beaut? You can see more class photos on my blog.

I'd love to come teach for your group, too! Check out my classes here.

What's New


Did you know I have web site galleries for all my classes? Viewing them gives you a better idea what to expect in each class and it provides an avenue for my students to show you their excellent results. I love that! There's a new addition in the Instant Art Quilt gallery. Please check it out. Look for the newest entries in bold.

Soon, I'll be attending the Studio to Gallery conference, in my hometown of Melbourne, FL. This event will focus on the business side of quilting: photography, marketing, networking, etc. Plus, there will be endless conversations about quilting and an opportunity to get to know many new people. I can't wait!

I hope you're having your own creative adventures!
Ellen Lindner


If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2015 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.