Why "Adventure Quilter?"
Way back in 1982, when my husband and I got married, we received all sorts of wedding gifts related to cooking. A wok, food processor, lots of casserole dishes, and several cookbooks. Well, I was a newlywed. I didn't know any better, so I actually used that stuff!
About once a week I would try something new. Perhaps a new gadget, new technique, or new recipe. Along the way, I got very "creative" with my cooking, substituing processed cheese food for parmesan cheese, and making a huge mess with the food processor. Although all the results were edible, there were a few times we decided we didn't really need to save the leftovers. As a result, it wasn't long before my husband started referring to my efforts as "Adventure Meals."
An adventure meal was simply one in which I experimented. At the time, I was focusing on the end product: dinner. But, in hindsight, I realize the process was also important because it taught me a lot about cooking.
These days, I make very few adventure meals. But, I always make adventure quilts. An adventure quilt is one in which I try a new gadget, new technique, or new recipe. Maybe a new color recipe. And, although I'm aiming for a nice quilt as the finished product, I realize the process is equally valuable. It enhances my skills and makes me more creative. So, when something doesn't turn out quite to my liking, I remind myself of this. I recognize that I didn't waste my time and I didn't waste my fabric.
This idea of experimentation is very important to me. So, when I needed a name for my website, Adventure Quilter seemed like a good fit.
Some of my adventures have included cutting up a quilt and rearranging it, painting over a problematic one, and using see-through window screening as my background fabric.
I LOVE creating quilts with an adventurous attitude and trying new things! I hope you have a little spark of adventure in your quilt making, as well.
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©2007-2012 Ellen