Archive | February, 2025

Creative Courage Panel Presentation

I recently got to participate in a very cool event. I belong to an organization called SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates.) The Florida region had an all day event called Art, Meet, and Greet. It was a blast!

We got to see a regional exhibit, earn door prizes, participate in a regional meeting, have Show and Tell, visit with one another, and hear a 3-person presentation called “Creative Courage.”

Creative Courage panelists.

The three speakers are shown here: me, Bobbi Baugh, and Kestrel Michaud.

Creative Courage panelists.

The three of us were asked to share times when we took a risk with either our artwork or our business decisions. And to show both successes and failures. The result was fascinating, entertaining, and informative. We three speakers did not consult with one another on our presentations so they ended up being quite different, which was great.

I went first and talked about my philosophy of embracing experimentation. My example of trying new things while learning to cook brought lots of chuckles. But, I tied it to my quilting philosophy by sharing one of my favorite quotes, “If you never fail, you’re not experimenting enough.” I truly believe that!

Easily Distracted, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner,

Easily Distracted

Kestrel shared her concept of safety rails: always having a financial back up when taking financial risks. She told us about the passive income she’s able to achieve with her online Patreon platform. She also showed us many of her art rules as well as new techniques she’s develop0ed.

Her piece, Arrival, shown here, has recently won Best of Show at Road 2 California and the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival.

The Arrival by Kestrel Michaud. Creative Courage presentation, FL SAQA 2025.

You gotta love Bobbi! She challenged us to “get over ourselves” (my words,) and to quit making excuses for not showing our work or not being happy with it. She said to just MAKE MORE WORK. Bobbi also showed us several of her quilts about the life of a young girl. She is really excellent at conveying a story.

Bobbi Baugh's art quilt "Growing Unseen." Creative Courage presentation, SAQA FL 2025.

Growing Unseen

And now, the good news: you can see this entire presentation, thanks to Kestrel Michaud, who has posted it on her website. Find it here and let me know what you think. Do you need a dose of courage?

Ellen Lindner


Spotlight Auction Piece 2025

This is a tiny little auction piece, only 8 x 6.

SAQA Spotlight auction piece 2025. Ellen Lindner, Ellen Lindner,

I think it’s pretty successful. I made it for SAQA, which will be having a benefit auction with many such small quilts.

I didn’t think I’d have time to make an auction quilt this year, but the deadline was extended AND I had a quilt I wasn’t crazy about. Hmm. Things began to percolate in my brain.

See my previous post for the quilt I just made that wasn’t exciting me. (No worries, though, as you’ll see from the post.)

I knew that quilt could make a good start for an auction piece. So, I did this.

SAQA Spotlight auction piece in-progress. Ellen Lindner, Ellen Lindner,

Yep, I cut out an 8 x 6 piece! It had an interesting composition, but I thought it needed some dots. I added them with paint and markers.

SAQA Spotlight auction piece in-progress. Ellen Lindner, Ellen Lindner,

And what about some embroidered circles? I auditioned the idea in my computer.

SAQA Spotlight auction piece in-progress. Ellen Lindner, Ellen Lindner,

Yes, I liked the idea! So, then I couched them on by hand.

SAQA Spotlight auction piece 2025. Ellen Lindner, Ellen Lindner,

I’m quite happy with it!

Maybe I should make some more tiny quilts with this larger quilt as my starting point. I have a series called Notes for a Friend. At only 7 x 5, I could get quite a few from this quilt.

Having fun and moving forward!

Ellen Lindner


“Mixed Berries” Complete: a Valuable Process

I had fun using improv piecing (no pattern) to make this piece, Mixed Berries.

Mixed Berries, an art quilt. Ellen Lindner,

It’s not the best quilt I’ve ever made, but I’m okay with that.

I LOVE to experiment! As a matter of fact, I consider it vital to my artistic growth. So, when something comes out less than exciting I don’t fret. I know I learned from the process and I increased my creativity, as well. I didn’t waste my time or my fabric!

Do you have any quilts that fall into the “learning” category? If so, good for you!!!

I like this quote, “If you never fail you’re not experimenting enough.” EXACTLY! (Sorry, but I don’t know who said that.)

Ellen Lindner




A Busy Opening Reception

I recently attended the opening reception of the 34th Annual All-Florida Juried Show in Stuart, FL. It was CROWDED, but the energy was high!

A Busy Opening Reception. Ellen Lindner,

I have two pieces in the show. Here I am with Heat Wave.

A Busy Opening Reception. Ellen Lindner,

And that’s Happy Family WAY up high. (My equally short friend and I had quite a chuckle as she took this photo.)

A Busy Opening Reception. Ellen Lindner,

There were two other fiber pieces in the show. This large one was made by Gabriele DiTota and it’s called Synthesis.

A Busy Opening Reception. Ellen Lindner,

On the right was the sister painting to the one shown on the left. I thought it was a really nice arrangement. (I forgot to note the name of the painter.)

This piece, by Christian Feneck, won first place. It’s acrylic paint on glass and wood, with cutouts.

A Busy Opening Reception. Ellen Lindner,

This was my favorite piece: A Moment in the Sun, by Sally Cooper.

A Busy Opening Reception. Ellen Lindner,

It’s a really nice exhibit, with lots of pieces. It runs through February 26th, at the Court House Cultural Center, so take a look if you get the chance.

Ellen Lindner
P.S. If you’re in the area on February 8th or 9th, you can visit Arts Fest, which occurs in the immediate vicinity. (The center is not normally open on the weekend, but it will be for this event.)