Apples in Port St. Lucie: Part Two

The Thimblebuddies Double Reverse Applique students worked steadily on their apples and they nearly all finished them.

Apples in Port St. Lucie. Ellen Lindner,

As the afternoon continued the room got quite chilly.  Most students were prepared for this, and one even brought a hat!

Apples in Port St. Lucie. Ellen Lindner,

Here’s Kathy with her finished apple.

Apples in Port St. Lucie. Ellen Lindner,

And Denise with hers, (to be trimmed later.)

Apples in Port St. Lucie. Ellen Lindner,

Marian made excellent progress on her pear, as well, almost completing it.

Apples in Port St. Lucie. Ellen Lindner,

And here’s Forest with his FINISHED pear!

Apples in Port St. Lucie. Ellen Lindner,

Did they have great results?  We all had a good time together and I hope I’ll get to visit this group again.

Ellen Lindner
P.S. A couple days later Pattie sent me a photo of her completed pear.

Apples in Port St. Lucie. Ellen Lindner,

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