AQS Daytona: Special Techniques

At any good quilt show you’ll find amazing workmanship and creativity. The Daytona Beach show was no exception. This amazing trapunto quilt was made by Jan Hutchison.

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(It looks slightly green under the lights, but was really a taupe color.)
AQS Daytona: Special Techniques. Ellen Lindner,

Check out these fabulous details!

AQS Daytona: Special Techniques. Ellen Lindner,

AQS Daytona: Special Techniques. Ellen Lindner,
Isn’t it amazing?

This next “quilt” was sort of mesmerizing. The very light layers moved around as people walked by or the air conditioning came on, making it hard to look away.

AQS Daytona: Special Techniques. Ellen Lindner,

I’ll bet you can’t guess what it inspired it: a glass of a pale yellow wine. I think it must be a very light and subtle wine.

AQS Daytona: Special Techniques. Ellen Lindner,

This piece was part of a small exhibit about foods, created by a South American husband and wife. (I hate that I didn’t record their names!)

Each piece was very creative and very different from one another. What surprised me was that they depicted things like texture, smell, and taste, but nothing about appearance. Talk about subtle!

AQS Daytona: Special Techniques. Ellen Lindner,

My friend, Laura Ruiz, has quite a few unique tricks up her own sleeves. For several years she’s been painting onto silk before stitching it.  But, recently, she learned to paint on paper, as well.  She painted this cardinal and then loved it so much she had printed, much larger, through an online company.

AQS Daytona: Special Techniques. Ellen Lindner,

Next, she pieced the “9 patches” around the edges and joined them to the central motif. To help visually merge the two together she lightly painted triangles into the background of the bird.  Brilliant! And then look at that quilting.  She’s a master! This quilt has won quite a few prestigious awards.

Finally, here’s a look at Andrea Brokenshire’s work.  She also paints onto whole cloth and then adds lots of thread painting.

AQS Daytona: Photo Quilts. Ellen Lindner,

A beautiful piece, and a very nice show.

Ellen Lindner

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