From the Ellen Lindner 1st Edition Art Adventure Dictionary:
art-ing, v. the act of experimenting in an artful way
Arting is just what I did on a long cross-country flight. These were the supplies I took with me: InkTense blocks, portable water filled brushes, latex gloves, a glue stick, and my sketch book.*

First, I tried to get to know my InkTense blocks a little. I could easily fit my sketch book and the Inktense container on the tray table. I had prefilled my brushes. (See the water in the handle?) I wore the gloves to keep the color off my hands. (Which I recommend with these blocks.)
First, a little intentional bleeding on wet paper.

Next, some further experimentation.

Mixed results on that one.
On to collage. Those airline magazines have got to be good for something, right?

I wasn’t aiming for anything in particular, just enjoying tearing, gluing, and covering the page. The strong teal water I had seen in California was on my mind, and that influenced the color selection.
Finally, a little sketching. Boy was I RUSTY!

But, it’s good to practice.

All of this arting definitely helped pass the time!
Do you have an art travel kit? If so, what’s in it? And where have you used it?
*It would have been great if I had taken a book of watercolor paper, rather than just sketch pages. They would have held up to the wet work better. But, my approach to my sketch book is to put EVERYTHING in it. Some items are 3D and have to be folded and glued in, but that’s okay. I want to have it all contained in the same place. I record the dates on the front cover, and on the back I list the various projects included.
Ellen Lindner
P.S. The queen of making art on the go is Elizabeth St. Hilaire. See her working on a plane. Her art is amazing (paper collage.) You’ll definitely want to visit her website.
Related posts: Inktense blocks, California’s coast