I thought you might like to see a little bit of my studio (which I did NOT clean up for your visit.)
This is my secondary design wall. I seldom use it for creating. Instead, it holds other things that need my attention, like these quilts waiting to be sprayed with UV protectant and photographed.

My primary design wall is on the left and my working table is on the right. When using the table I sit on the far right.
Let’s take a little tour. This small quilt is one of the samples for my Floral Improv class. It’s for the live class. The online one has a much larger project (coming soon.)

Since I’m working in a series with repeating motifs, I’m saving some of the patterns.

And also precut shapes.

These little fabric strips were in a project that I decided to discontinue. Again, I’m saving them, since this color scheme will be used again.

The top left corner isn’t too exciting. Just a computer sketch for a recent quilt.

But, if you follow that brown line upward you’ll see my decoration. Yep, a hornet’s nest.

I actually paid money for this nest and I love it. My husband thinks I’m nuts!
As I was taking details shots, I discovered a pleasant surprise: an interesting composition.

That has potential, don’t you think? I’m excited to work with this idea.
So, there you have it: a mini tour of one corner of my studio. I hope you’ll visit again sometime. (But, I still won’t promise to clean it.)
Ellen Lindner