Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
January 2011 Newsletter
Happy New Year!

May your year be full of blessings,
and may you have the joy of recognizing each one.

Instant Art Quilt Class
Starting January 14, 2011

Images - hot reds and orange abstract
Want to try your hand at art quilting, but not sure where to start? The Instant Art Quilt Class is a great place to begin.

You'll start with a beautiful piece of hand dyed fabric and end up with your own unique quilt. The results are always fabulous! One example is shown here. Check out the student gallery to see many more. Full class details.

Above:Summer Heat, ©2009 Paula Huffman Brown

New Work - Sorta

Image - tan vertical pice with rust undulating line
After being on display for two months, I finally had a chance to photograph Sketching with Silk #1. This was part of a group challenge called Tall and Thin. I enjoyed the format so much I made two more coordinating quilts. You can see all three in the Quilt Gallery.

I really enjoyed the simplicity of this piece, as well as the addition of hand stitching. I hadn't done much of that in a while, but I've used it several times since.

Image - tan background, rust line, hand stitching

See more details about this quilt.

Body Language: Part Two

Image - drawing of 2 people embracing
I tackled quite a technical challenge when I decided to make quilts shaped like bodies. It took learning how to use a drill, band saw, and jigsaw, before I finally had it all figured out.

Last month I told you a little about the inspiration for these unusual quilts, which make up my Body Language series. This month, I've added the second part of that article, which explains my design and construction process. You'll find it here. --- Part One

What's New

Right now, I have the following projects under way (or at least well into the planning stage:) a mixed media book using tea bags, a painted quilt for a collaboration, a glued collage for a fund raiser, my Mountain Meadow, and a commission. Whew! Just the way I like it.

You can always read about my work in-progress on my blog. Especially interesting is the "great" blue color I got from tea bags!

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!

Next Online Class

Instant Art Quilt
January 14, 2011

More info

Upcoming Events
- Vero Beach, FL, Jan. 13, lecture and class
- Port St. Lucie, FL, Feb.22 & 23, lecture and class
- Jacksonville, FL, April 16, class
Full Teaching and Events Schedule
New on Website

- Silk Sketch #1
- Article about Body Language quilts, Part Two

New on Blog

- Mountain Meadow in progress
- Paper lace
- Fund raising book
- Christmas decorations and a plan to de-stress
- Photos from a beautiful garden area
- The start of a garden quilt
- S'mores!
Blog home

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If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2010 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.