Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
February 2011 Newsletter
Sticky Fingers: Glued Collage
Starting Online April 22nd

Image - pink cruciform on pink background
I really enjoy working with glued collage, because it's extremely fast and fun! Once the design is composed, there's no need to quilt it, add a binding, etc. Plus, it's possible to work with tiny bits of fabric which are too small to easily sew.

You'll have a chance to learn the technique when the next class starts on April 22nd.

One of the class samples, Cruciform #4, is shown at right.

Find full class details here.

All 4 Love: A Fund Raising Exhibit

Image  - orange flower on dark backgroundI'm very happy to be participating in a fund raising exhibit called All 4 Love, to benefit Sentinels of Freedom Space Coast. They offer "life scholarships" to severely injured military personnel returning to our area.

80 artists are donating art to the exhibit, each piece on a 10" x 10" canvas, (except for 3D ones.) My donation, Bird of Paradise, is shown at left.

Patrons will purchase a ticket for $100. This entitles them to a reception for two people, and a piece of art. Numbers are drawn to determine the selection order. I think that will make for a lively reception!

All of this will take place at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery, Melbourne, FL. Tickets may be purchased by contacting them. Direct donations to Sentinenels of Freedom are also appreciated.

FUN Mixed Media Book
Imgae - Perfect Iced Tea book cover

My latest project is a cute little mixed media book. Since I'm very particular about my iced tea (the birthright of all Southerners,) I decided to use that as my subject matter. As a matter of fact each page has a used tea bag paper as its background. (Some with a few ground still attached!)

I had great fun mixing a variety of media and techniques: paper, fabric, clear transparency film, tea bag tags, images traced with a Sharpie, machine stitching, and hand stitching.

Image - tea book interior pagesThe cover can be seen above and the first two pages are shown at left. What you can't see is the transparency film. All the text and drawings are done on pieces of film, which were then stitched in place. I really like that effect (even though it was Plan B.)

I've written extensively about the process of creating this book on my blog. I encourage you to check it out, because I've got all the pages posted there, and you can click on any image for a great close up view. Posts run from January 4-14, 2011.

Soon, I'll write a brief tutorial on how to make such books. I think you'll enjoy them as much as I did!

Collaborations: A Different Sort of Exhibit
Image - pink blossoms on a white pergola

What do you get when you combine two art quilters, an acrylic painter, and a garden full of inspiration? A very interesting collaboration, that's what!

My group is only one participating in an exhibit called, appropriately, Collaborations. Each group is composed of one or more quilters and an artist working in a different medium. The groups are supposed to decide on a common inspiration theme, and create work for the exhibit.

The garden area of a local florist is the jumping off point for my group. My quilt is nearly complete, but I can only show you a small sneek peak, since the artwork is under wraps until the exhibit.

If you live near Melbourne, FL, I hope you'll put it on your calendar for March 10th and 11th. Full details are linked in the sidebar.

Hanging Tip

Tired of putting nails in the wall every time you hang a quilt? Shirley Wooten told me about a nail-free way to hang quilts, which I want to share with you. Click here to read Shirley's article.
Adobe Acrobat Reader required. Free download here.

Santa Fe Photos Revisited

Image - courtyard in adobe building


In a much earlier newsletter, I showed you photos from a trip to Santa Fe. I decided to make them easier to access, so you can now find them via the Articles Directory. See the photos now.

What's New

Right now, I have the following projects under way (or at least well into the planning stage:) a mixed media book using tea bags, a painted quilt for a collaboration, a glued collage for a fund raiser, my Mountain Meadow, and a commission. Whew! Just the way I like it.

You can always read about my work in-progress on my blog. Especially interesting is the "great" blue color I got from tea bags!

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!


February newsletter:

Embassy calender (or later?)

Link AdventureQuilter explanation to About page

Next Online Class

Sticky Fingers:
Glued Collage
Aprill 22, 2011

More info

Upcoming Events

- Port St. Lucie, FL, Feb.22 & 23, lecture and class
- Melbourne, FL, March 4-27, All 4 Love fund raising exhibit
- Melbourne, FL, March 10-11, Collaborations exhibit
- Jacksonville, FL, April 16, class

Full Teaching and Events Schedule
Art on Tour
New on Website

- Silk Sketch #1
- Article about Body Language quilts, Part Two

New on Blog

- Mountain Meadow in progress
- Paper lace
- Fund raising book
- Christmas decorations and a plan to de-stress
- Photos from a beautiful garden area
- The start of a garden quilt
- S'mores!
Blog home

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If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2010 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.