Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
June 2011 Newsletter
Still Time to Join Color Class
LAST TIME offered online!

IMage - cherries on white
Our Adventures in Color class started on
May 27th, but it continues through July 7th, so there's still plenty of time for you to join in.

This workshop will teach you how to use color to enhance your quilts and to achieve amazing results!

Class continues through July 7th.
Find full details here. LAST TIME OFFERED ONLINE

Article: "Raw Edge Collage:  Fabulous Flexibility”

Image - Ripening in progress, heavlily pinned
What do you get when you mix a variety of fabrics, a design wall, , and TONS of pins? Why, a quilt in-progress, of course. Like Ripening, seen heavily pinned at left.

This process was the topic for an article I recently wrote for SAQA Journal, the quarterly magazine put out by Studio Art Quilt Associates. My piece was included in the Spring 2011 issue and I've also added it to my website for your enjoyment. Find it here, (one of many free articles on this site.)

New Work: Write Me a Note

Image - yellow squares with text overlapped
Once again, I've tried something rather different. This time, it was a quick LITTLE quilt that I did in a 24 hour period. It's for a magazine challenge which requires the use of text. I immediately thought of the messages written on all the yellow sticky notes I use to stay organized. Many of these notes land on the kitchen microwave, which is at my eye level!

The quilt is at right. You can see a detail shot, a larger image, and read more of the story in this blog post.

I don't know that this quilt is a visual masterpiece, but I'm excited about its narrative qualities. Family is very important to me, so I think it's exciting to capture a little bit of our everyday lives in a different way.

Video Coming Soon

Image - gold accordian bookIn my first video, I showed you a little mixed media book I had made. The second video will show you how to make your own easy accordion style book. The footage has already been shot and I'm starting to edit it. Hopefully, I'll have the completed video for you soon!

What's New

Once again, my students have delighted me by sending photos of their completed projects. And, as usual, they're wonderful! Please check out their results in these two galleries: Design Your Own Nature Quilt, and Sticky Fingers (glued collage.) New additions are indicated with bold titles.

Recently, I did something VERY unexpected: I made a project from a pattern. Shocking! But, this project was just too cute to pass up. It's not a quilt, but I think you'll love it. See it on my blog.

In addition to that project, I did some surface design and started a new quilt. You can always read about my work in-progress on my blog.

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!

Next Online Class

Double Reverse Applique
August 19, 2011
More info

Upcoming Events

-Melbourne, FL August 1: Design Your Own Nature Quilt workshop

Full Teaching and Events Schedule
New on Website

- Raw Edge Collage article
- New student work in the Design Your Own Nature Quilt gallery
- New additions to the Sticky Fingers Student gallery

New on Blog

- Small scraps
- The start of a new piece and thoughts on what works together
- Details about Write Me a Note
- Altering fabrics
- A gift of some unusual and wonderful items
- REALLY cute little project

Blog home

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If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2011 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.