Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
March & April 2012 Newsletter

Instant Art Quilt
Starting April 6th

Image - red, orange, and yellow abstract with blue accents


Do you own a piece of hand dyed fabric that's too gorgeous to use? If so, this class teaches you how to tear into it, literally, creating an "Instant Art Quilt" in the process.

You'll end up with your own unique, and fabulous, quilt!

Check out the student gallery to see many wonderful examples.

Full class details.

Student Results: Design Your Own Nature Quilt

Image - orange, yellow, and red tulips against a green background - Monica SpickerWe had a great time in my recent online class, Design Your Own Nature Quilt. The course supply list includes "artistic courage," and the students definitely packed theirs. They stepped outside their comfort zones, as they worked loosely interpreting their photos.

April in Amsterdam, at right, was made by Monica Spicker. She started with a wonderful photo of backlit tulips, and did an excellent job interpreting it in fabric.

Check out the student gallery, where you'll see another new piece, along with many earlier quilts.

P.S. Would you like to notified when this class is offered again? If so, use the subscribe button in the sidebar and add this to your subscriber profile.

Art on Tour

The exhibit "Visions and Vistas" is now hung at the King Center for Performing Arts, and I think it looks great! It includes 11 pieces of mine, as well as the work of
Jo-Ann Jensen
, a talented silk painter.

Image - art work on display in gallery

This Melbourne, FL show will be on display through April 8th.

Next Online Class

Instant Art Quilt
April 6th

Class Info

Upcoming Events
- Melbourne, FL, Visions and Vistas through April 8th
- The Villages, FL, April
3-4: lecture and workshops
- Seneca, SC,
May 7-8: lecture and workshops
Full Teaching and Events Schedule
New on Website
- Two new additions to Design Your Own Nature Quilt Student Gallery
New on Blog

- Color Makes the Quilt
Crotons in-progress
- Zentangles
- Design Your Own Nature Quilt student results
- Seams Unique Exhibit
- Double Reverse Applique student results
Blog home

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Art on Tour
Crotons Nearing Completion

Image - colorful croton leaves on blue background

Note to self: When making a quilt larger than usual it takes longer than usual!

I guess I sorta forgot that with my latest quilt. It's definitely taking longer than I expected, but I'm almost there. And I'm delighted with the results!

I love the effect of the bright veins done in non-realistic colors. They make me happy.

Partial image of in-progress quilting

There's LOTS more about this quilt on my blog!

What's New

I've got a new commission! I'll be making a quilt for a new children's hospital, in Orlando, FL. Lucky for me, the clients want a quilt similar to one that's already sold. Which means I didn't have to submit sketches and such. I'm excited to get started!

I really enjoy teaching, both online and in-person. Please check the Design Your Own Nature Quilt student gallery for new additions. And also, my blog, with results from recent live classes. Too much fun!

I hope you're enjoying your own unique quilt making adventure!

If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2012 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.