Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
October 2012 Newsletter

Still Time to Join
Design Your Own Nature Quilt

Image - pink flowring vine with shadows

Although the current "Design Your Own Nature Quilt" class is underway, there's still time to join in.

Find full details here.

The quilt at right was made by Lyn Kiel in an earlier class. She calls it "On the Fence." Lyn used her fabric
to great advantage, especially with the fence and flowers. And the shadows
add a wonderful sense of depth.

See more student quilts here.

Another Silk Landscape

After making "Summer Fields," I decided to use some of my remaining silk fabrics and create another rural landscape. This time, I'm featuring wintry hills, with corn stalks sticking up through the snow. Here it is, in-progress.

Image - winter hills

I'll use skinny silk strips to create the fence on the right, and will add hand embroidery for other details.

This is great fun! I'm posting lots of in-progress photos and such on my blog, so be sure to check it out.

How to Pack a Quilt for Shipping

Image - small quilt being packed

Do you ever need to ship a quilt, perhaps to a show? If so, you may be interested in seeing how I tackle this task.

Next Online Class

Design Your Own Nature Quilt
Class Info

Upcoming Events
-Clearwater, FL, Oct. 18-19, Playing with Fabric lecture, Double Reverse Applique class
- Ft. Collins, CO, Oct. 27-28, Playing with Fabric lecture, Double Reverse Applique class
Orlando, FL, November 5, Playing with Fabric lecture
Full Teaching and Events Schedule
New on Web site
How to Pack a Quilt for Shipping
New on Blog

- More Silk: Cream and Tan
- Packing for Shipping
- Instant Art Quilt in Orlando (2)
- Designing in Orlando (2)
- "Crotons" receives praise
- SAQA Auction
- "Summer Fields" Complete
Blog home

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What's New

Image - silk fabric scraps, cream and tanI've taught several workshops lately, and have enjoyed all of them immensely. Check out my blog to see student results from Design Your Own Nature Quilt and Instant Art Quilt classes.

Meanwhile, my studio floor is getting a lovely collection of silk scraps. I'll definitely hang onto these, and perhaps let them inspire something else.

I hope you're enjoying your own extraordinary quilt making adventures!


If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2012 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.