Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
October 2013 Newsletter
Sticky Fingers
Starts November 1st

Image - Sunflower in 4 parts
Four Square Sunflower,
made by Kathy Angel Lee, is one of the glued collages made in an online "Sticky Fingers" class. As you can see, she spread her image across four small canvases, creating a very interesting and beautiful piece.

Like Kathy, you can learn to create your own glued collage, VERY quickly and easily! Because there's no quilting or binding, the process is extremely fast and satisfying. (Great, if you need to make a few Christmas presents.)

You can join in the fun when the next class starts November 1st. With only two online lessons, you should be finished before Thanksgiving (November 21st.) See full details.

The Last Few Dates

Image - yellow-green palm twigs against a dark blue-green backgroundThis is my latest quilt, "The Last Few Dates." It shows a close up view of a Queen Palm's fruit twigs. These hold huge clusters of fruit and have the very nubby texture shown here. I always thought they made an interesting contrast with the long, smooth leaves of the palm fronds. What do you think?

I've never made anything with this color combination before, but I really like it.

See more information and details about this quilt here.

And check out my blog for many posts about my design, color, and fabric decisions. I always like reading about why someone did a certain thing, don't you? (I'm afraid I can be very chatty in that regard.)

Next Online Class

November 1st
Sticky Fingers

Class Info

Art on Tour
New on Website

The Last Few Dates
Bravo for Backgrounds

New on Blog

- Queen Palm: Foreground Twigs and Favorite Things
- Queen Palm: Background and Stitching
- Sketching Palm Twigs
- Remebering 9/11
- I Don't Like "Friendly" Quilts
Blog home

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Bravo for Backgrounds

Image - red apples on a blue and green background

We're always looking for ways to make our quilts more effective, right? Just remember to include the background in those decisions. It's an important design component with the potential for adding great impact to your quilt.

Like the way the contrasting background colors in "Apple Still Life," at left, help to show off the apples in the foreground.

I've written an article with many more tips and examples for backgrounds. You can find it here.


What's New

Image -  young girl singing

I'm working in a completely new way these days. I've just started making small narrative quilts about my childhood. (Well, actually, I'm working on the first one.) My idea is to make little "cartoon" quilts that tell various family stories. The detail at right shows my representation of me singing as a young girl. I love the way the dress turned out! The double black stitching adds the definition that was needed and the cross stitches imply smocking. (Didn't you have a dress like this in 1965?)

Assuming I follow through and make several of these, I'll probably bind them together in some way. I'm having fun with this first one and I'm excited about the narrative aspect of these small pieces!


If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2013 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.